Thursday, February 16, 2012

paradigm shift

It's been quite a while since I last posted here. I guess that its probably because I've been having such a busy holiday. Probably one of the busiest holidays I've ever had!

Starting from my trip to Japan, I had a really good time. I was able to do all of the things that I wanted to do, but I still want to go back... I've thrown the idea at Jay, saying we should go together, that way I can stay at his place ahaha. Hopefully we actually have the money to go one day!

Been going out quite often lately, and most of the time its at night, probably because I can drive now so we can just go places whenever we want lol. I can't wait till I get my green P's. Just half a year to go!

I've been trying a lot of new things lately and its been really good. It's kind of like getting life experience. I used to not be able to comment about things because I had no experience, I wouldn't know what I'm talking about, but now that I have at least tried it, I can have an opinion on it.

Things are really gonna start changing for me though. Uni starts soon.
I'll be moving out of my old high school routine and beginning anew, changing most of my habits and my life in general. I hope I meet a lot of people too. One main thing I want to take out of uni is to make new friends!

I really feel like I'm growing up and becoming more mature now lmaoo.