Thursday, January 14, 2010

gone forever.

im kidding. I'm not gone forever :D just for 2 weeks (Y)

well this will be my last post for january and these holidays (:

i hope no-one misses me too much :P

but i know im going to miss a certain someone (:

everyone have fun for the rest of their holidays :D


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

epic karaoke day?

well today was quite epic (:

first of all, i was meant to meet toonie and nika at flinders station to go to eric's house, which is in upfield/epping >_> but because of my bad train taking experiences, i missed two trains, one because i woke up late, and another because it left before i got there D: but then nika overslept anyway so i was still early (Y)
So i had about 30 mins to myself at flinders street station... so i decided to buy some brunch (:
so i was walking around, and i saw mel's bakery :D ahaha it was the weirdest way to see her working but yeah, even though i knew she worked at flinders station, i was still surprised :P
So then we went to eric's house after toonie and nika decided to show up (: and we were on the train, and then we see the most epic station ever. EVER. It was BATMAN. i can now say that we were at BATMAN. :D after that, we were at eric's house, and we saw his EPIC room. words cant describe it, it was pretty much toonie and nika's dream lmaoo. well yeah we had a good time at eric's, but then we had to leave to go to karaoke... so as eric went to change his shirt, toonie and nika went to say goodbye to eric's epic room, which kind of scared me :S

So we're at melbourne central, and i see all these people that i don't know, but they looked like nice people (Y) and i was right (: but there was this one girl named tee, that was just unbelievably high :S and referred to me as "honeyplum" >___________>
we went to the usual karaoke place - chaplin, but this time was just so much more epic :D even though it was 90% kroean songs that i didnt know, just watching eric and andy sing and dance was enough to make it epic (Y) and this was for 3 hours straight :P

overall, a really EPIC day! i'm glad that this was my last outing in australia for these holidays (:

and also, just to win an argument between thomas and myself:

which one looks more awesome?
- kazeshini

- sogyo no kotowari

tell me through msn, facebook or this blog, thanks (:

EDIT: - thomas requested that i put this picture up. Its the sword above, except in "humanized form". and he thinks it will change peoples answers :P

Monday, January 11, 2010

hong kong soon...

15th of January to the 31st of January...
last year, it seemed so far away, like i would never be going, but after new years, it just seemed as though time sped up... i wouldn't say that i don't want to go to Hong Kong, but there are things that i'll miss... D:
but its only for two weeks so i hope no-one misses me too much (:
and don't worryyy, ill try my best to get EVERYONE a present :D

the last time i'll see everyone before i leave, would be during this heat-wave week (:
tuesday - soccer and bball, the AWESOME mount waverley vs the NOOB east donnie (Y)
we all know whos going to win :D
and wednesday - eric's house with the syn crew (:
going to be epic travelling :P

too bad on thursday i can't go out, i have to pack all my stuff and clean the house D: since we're leaving friday at around 12 :S

gg if i leave something though D: lets hope i bring everything i need :D

Friday, January 8, 2010

a non-productive day :D

if you gave me a dollar for every-time i got frustrated over a game of halo, i would have around $36 (Y) legendary difficulty is hard enough, but when your an asshole like me, you like to make things harder, by putting skulls on aswell (:
(for those who dont know, skulls are just options to make the game harder ._.)
and if it wasnt bad enough that i get my ass kicked by masses of flood and brutes, i also end up getting lasered in the face by a floating light bulb D: stupid master chief not being strong enough >_>

on the bright side, at least i took the time out to finish it on legendary. got 125 gamer points (._.) and made me feel as though i accomplished something, even though it doesnt help me that much in life (:

"They let me pick. Did I ever tell you that? Choose, whichever spartan I wanted. You know me. I did my research. Watched, as you became the soldier we needed you to be. But you had something they didn't. Something no-one saw...but me. Can you guess? Luck."

Monday, January 4, 2010


if someone asked you to watch avatar with them, would you pick 2D or 3D?
i say, PICK 3D. :D

all i hear from people about avatar in 3D is that its either really really good, or unbelievably dizzy...but actually, its just awesome.

even though my ears got sore after wearing glasses for so long, 3D was so worth it. :) too bad we couldnt finish the popcorn because stupid eric wouldnt believe me that one large is enough >_> im so sick of popcorn right now D:

ANYWAY, funniest part of the day (in my opinion) was when we saw shintaro, everyone went silent as i was talking to him and he kept bagging thomas's eyes :P ahaha it was so funny :D but still, we need to stop bumping into him at mc >_>

a thumbs up to eric for being ninja and getting on his train just as the doors were closing, and to thomas aswell, for getting gum on his shoe and panicking like a little boy :P

overall, good day (:
too bad im leaving for hong kong soon, gonna miss everyone D:

Friday, January 1, 2010

First post for '10

2010. the start of a new year.

Remember the good things of 2009, but don't forget the bad things. Let them make you stronger. The start of a new decade can mean a new beginning, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you have to forget everything... After all, memories are there for a reason...

My new years resolutions...
* start a blog - done.
* keep the blog going
* study harder for VCE
* go out less often
* get my L's
* and tell them...

there may be more, but i don't know yet... lets hope i succeed (Y)