Saturday, December 11, 2010

blue moose

So for those who don't know, I'm going on a summer missions trip to Mansfield. None of you probably even know where that it, it's just a random place in the country. (Y)

So for the last couple of days I've had training for it and it was awesome. The people there were friendly and fun, and just generally awesome. It's different because I'm used to Asians as the majority at church, but at youth dimension (the place that organises blue moose) Asians are the minority. Anyway, meeting all those people was really good, as well as everything I learnt from them was really good as well. The skills we learn not only help us when we are out on missions, but are life skills that all of us who were at the training will cherish for the rest of our lives.

Basically, we learnt how to talk to complete strangers and how to share the gospel with them. Of course not everyone will listen, but we learnt what we should and shouldn't do when talking to people. One of the sessions, we were all driven down to Eastland, and we all had to split up individually and try and start conversations with random strangers in an hour. I didn't go too well but other people had better luck and were able to get better conversations in lol.

Highlight of the training was definitely the people that we met. There was a massive variety of personalities and everyone got along so well. There were some quiet people, and then there are others that are loud and talkative. There was also one guy, who was a lot like Erol, except he talked more and smiled more. His name was Lachie and he had a monotone just like Erol, during our breaks we would have "story-telling will Lachie" and his stories were always hilarious, even though they were just things from his past LOL. One example would be that he told us he didn't know how to use a shower until year 7!

I found out also, that one of the people that trained us went to my school like 10 years ago. Small world huh? I also met these two people who were frisbee enthusiasts, and so at lunchtime we would throw a frisbee around, and one lunchtime we even got a game of ultimate frisbee going! It really was epic.

I even got to share SCANDAL with the people at training, even though none of them were Asian LOL. As soon as I told them that I liked the drummer, they said "FEMALE DRUMMER? HIGH FIVE. THATS A GOOD GIRL RIGHT THERE." LOL

But yeah, it was probably the most fun I've had in a long long time. A lot of the people in my friendship group are boring now, because all they do is stupid things that they think make them cool. But ohwell, it's their life.

Looking forward to missions over New Years!

quotes from training:
"Following the Holy Spirit is an adventure."
"The essence of prayer is humility, a recognition of our limits, helplessness and powerlessness. Prayer helps us recognize our own helplessness so we can call on God."
"Be a friend, be real."
"It's a journey."
"Community is powerful."
"The kingdom reflects the King."

Thursday, December 2, 2010

best female band i've ever seen.

Ok, the title may be a little exaggerated, and also people may not agree with me, since they are a jap band but meh, in my opinion they are awesome.

There are HEAPS of female singers and female groups, but there aren't that many female bands. In this generation there are plenty of female singers and female groups that are popular, most common group i hear about is snsd. But there are almost no female bands that are as popular. Keyword being band. Or maybe I've just never heard of them lol.

SCANDAL on the other hand, I've known about for a while, but I've never gone and searched up their music until recently... and I've found them to be pretty awesome.

Good music, and they're not like the sterotypical band with one singer and everyone else just plays instruments. Everyone in the band sings and plays their own instrument which is pretty cool.

Not to mention they're good looking too haha. I feel like a fanboy hoarding over them, especially the drummer. Oh man Rina is so (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) I like fell in love with her LOL >_>

for those that aren't that very bright, Rina the drummer is the one with the drumsticks.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010