Thursday, December 2, 2010

best female band i've ever seen.

Ok, the title may be a little exaggerated, and also people may not agree with me, since they are a jap band but meh, in my opinion they are awesome.

There are HEAPS of female singers and female groups, but there aren't that many female bands. In this generation there are plenty of female singers and female groups that are popular, most common group i hear about is snsd. But there are almost no female bands that are as popular. Keyword being band. Or maybe I've just never heard of them lol.

SCANDAL on the other hand, I've known about for a while, but I've never gone and searched up their music until recently... and I've found them to be pretty awesome.

Good music, and they're not like the sterotypical band with one singer and everyone else just plays instruments. Everyone in the band sings and plays their own instrument which is pretty cool.

Not to mention they're good looking too haha. I feel like a fanboy hoarding over them, especially the drummer. Oh man Rina is so (Y)(Y)(Y)(Y)(Y) I like fell in love with her LOL >_>

for those that aren't that very bright, Rina the drummer is the one with the drumsticks.

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