Monday, February 1, 2010

back from hong kong (:

well as many of you would know, i just got back from hong kong (:

hong kong in one word is: awesome.
but since my dad had a place in 'shenzhen' which is in china, we stayed there overnight etc...
china on the otherhand is not as awesome ):
because of that, everyday we had to cross the hong kong china border (which got really repetitive) so i would have to wake up slightly earlier than usual, but it doesnt make much difference anyway since in hong kong nothing opens until at least midday (Y)

Anyway, so i'm crossing the border back to china with all of the stuff we bought one day, and then i get asked to have my bags checked ._. i didnt understand mandarin so i stood there, until my mum told me that they want to check my bags >_> afterwards, my dad said its because i look like a bad person, but i didn't believe that (:

then, the very next day, on our way into hong kong, i got asked to be searched >__________>
luckily, the guy spoke cantonese so i understood him (Y), but i'm still being searched D: two security people took me to a room, asked me to take out everything from my pockets, and then they searched me >_> guess what my dad said after... that i look like a bad person D: my sister just laughed at me >_> do i really look like a bad person? ):

another bad thing about china, facebook is blocked. ITS BLOCKED. WTH. D:

i also went to this snow mountain, not for ski-ing like mt.bulla, more climbing. Still, we took the cable car up (: and we went up 4506m above sea level :S and because we're so high up, there's less oxygen up there, so we had to buy oxygen :|

pretty much everyday spent in hong kong was awesome but i bought less clothes than i thought :S on the other hand, i got my new phone (sony ericcson aino) which is awesome (Y), a portable hard-drive, and a DSi (:
my old DS broke by the way :D, i "accidentally" dropped it, so not only the screen was dodgy, but the down button didnt work anymore ._.
my new phone which i love :D

I also saw most of my cousins which was good, haven't seen them for around 2 years, but they're all out working now so i only see them when we go to dinner D:

Some of you may not know this, but ever since i went to Japan, Eric Ee and I have been looking for mitsuya cider everywhere... they don't sell it in Australia so we never found anyway, but I FINALLY FOUND IT IN HONG KONG. WOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D


and so that was a VERY brief summary of my trip to hong kong (:

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