Saturday, June 19, 2010

path to salvation?

There is this feeling of loneliness, that keeps creeping up on me. I know that there are people around me that are supporting me, but I can never seem to shake that feeling ever since that day.

It feels really heavy, as though everyday, I'm carrying a massive weight. It's really starting to affect me. My attention span seems to be really short, I can never seem to concentrate, it randomly starts hurting all the time, I can't sleep at night, I randomly zone out for no reason, apparently my voice is a little more coarse and I never seem to have much appetite when there's food in front of me.

All I can do right now, is look at the path before me, and continue my slow walk down it. If I could, I would just sprout wings on my back, and skip all of this crap that I'm feeling.

Whenever I close my eyes, I see you.

 Sometimes, I can't tell if you're the same person I know, but there could never be a replacement for you. Yet, this pain that I feel, will someday fade away to memory, I'm sure of it.

Before I met you, I was happily unaware of how completely miserable I really was. Even if you can't let go of the past, I'll still be waiting.

"Thinking of you, wherever you are. I want to line the pieces up, yours....and mine."

 sticks and stones may break my bones.....

but words will break my heart

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