Tuesday, November 22, 2011

wonderful day

So I don't always have enough time to write a full post while I'm here in Hong Kong, but I managed to find the time today.

Been here for almost a week now, and it has been quite awesome. So chilled and so much to buy!

So far I've bought 3 pairs of shoes, 2 shirts, a jacket, a bag, 4 cd's and a new phone. During one of my purchases I was out at Shatin, and bought 2 shirts, a jacket and a pair of shoes all at one place, and as a result of that they gave me a $500 coupon as well as free overhead headphones! When you buy stuff here they give you so much free stuff and discounts too!

My new phone is the Samsung Galaxy S2, pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Waiting on the spare battery and case to be back in stock before I go get it, both of which they give you for buying the phone. Better than buying the phone in Australia.

Today I hung out with Mr. Gary La. First we went to Mongkok, and looked around. I took Gary to the place where I bought my new bag, and he also bought the same bag, except a different colour of course. After walking around for a bit more, we went down to Shatin, because Gary wanted to go to the store where I bought the new clothes that I wore today.

When we got there, we took our time looking around, and I took Gary to the same store where I bought my new clothes. Funny thing was, the same cute girl that served me last time was working today as well, and that made things easier for us. Last time I was there, I was with my Dad, since he was showing me around.

We talked to that girl that helped us, and when she asked me what my last name was, so they could hold onto our stuff while we kept looking, I momentarily hesitated, since I have not been asked that in so many years. It was then that she realised that I wasn't from Hong Kong. Talked for a bit and she found out that I was from Australia, turns out she couldn't tell because my canto was actually pretty good lol.

When I went back today with Gary, I didn't expect to see that same girl working, but I did, and I was scared it would be awkward, but it wasn't since she waved when she saw me. When Gary was trying stuff on, I had the chance to talk to her for a bit, and I also wanted new jeans so she helped me out with that too haha. After a while we found everything we wanted to buy, but we didn't bring enough cash, so she suggested that she holds onto them and we can come back another day. She actually remembered my last name from the last time I went, but this time she asked for my english name and number, which made things easier. It's too bad I still don't know what her name is lol. She is actually pretty cute, too bad I don't know how to talk to girls, especially cute girls from a different country HAHA. So we're gonna go back on thursday, since she told me that she's not working tomorrow lol, that's going to be nice ahah.

Later on Gary bought Vans, and then we found a music store while looking for a place to sit. Trip complete.

The music store sold SCANDAL music. Back in Australia, I usually ship SCANDAL cd's, but certain ones I didn't because I didn't think it was necessary and it was expensive. I found the album "Temptation Box" and their MV album "Video Action". (Released along with "Baby Action") Both of those I didn't buy because it was expensive and wasn't overly necessary. However I found them both here and were quite cheap. I obviously bought them.

The music store also sold music by YUI. I don't usually buy her music, but her album "Holidays in the Sun" was really good, and I decided to try her new album "How Crazy Your Love" which was really good. Both albums were really good, and her new one also came with the DVD of her HK tour haha. Along with the cd was a guitar pick! I was surprised when I opened her new album, to find a fender pick with the tour engraving on it. Made me love my purchase so much more.

YUI HK tour guitar pick
awesome purchase
 So far that's about it, but there's so much more to buy. Hopefully I can update more often so my posts don't have to be as long as this one ahaha.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Kinda bored at the moment, so I thought I'd update!

At the Melbourne airport right now waiting for the gate to open. Not really much to do since I'm all alone lol. Getting myself ready for a long 9 hour flight, but after that everything will be awesome.

Finished my last exam today, I can't really say with flying colours though lol, since I lost my cheat sheet and rubber 5 mins before the exam lol. But I bossed it anyway, all I can do now is pray!

Words cannot describe the happiness that you feel when you realise that VCE is over. The joy that overcomes you as you walk out of your last exam is phenomenal. There is no other feeling like it. You are overcome with excitement, and also amazed that you just finished 13 years of schooling. The freedom that you have is just awesome. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and since I can drive, I can go anywhere I want as well! It is probably one of the happiest moments in my life.

loving life at the moment.

anyway, gotta start heading into the plane now, so I think I'll leave it at that, Let's hope I have a safe flight!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 5

So on my tumblr, I have this separate page where I'm doing this thing called the "30 days of anime Challenge". As I am an irrational person, I tend to challenge everything, so I started doing it, and I just did day 5. Oh and for those who don't know, my tumblr url is http://super-choi.tumblr.com/ - you should check it out, there are some things that are pretty interesting that float around on the internet. :D

For day 5, it was "Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like", and I thought it was quite interesting, as I didn't realise there were that many similarities until I actually did it lol. And without further ado...

"Well for me, it would have to be Monkey D. Luffy. Out of all the anime characters that I’ve seen, I think I have the most similarities with him.
1. We are both pretty skinny.
2. We both eat heaps. (Even though he eats an abnormal amount)
3. We both love our meat.
4. Both have our fair share of scars, however his are more extreme.
5. Big smile.
6. Neither of us are scared of most things. (Irrational lack of fear)
7. Don’t really think about the consequences of our actions that often.
8. Both of us make friends pretty easily. (Nakama)
9. Both of us care for our friends quite a bit.
10. We both complain A LOT when we are hungry.
I think that’s enough reasons lol. :D"