Monday, December 19, 2011


So I know I haven't updated in a very long time. So here we go. In order to keep this post from becoming an essay, I'll summarise Hong Kong very quickly.

My trip in Hong Kong was good. Bought a lot of stuff and caught up with a few friends as well. Very chilled, very relaxed.

Back in Melbourne, not too much special has really happened. Most exciting thing is probably the fact that I now officially have my own car! It's a '97 Subaru Liberty GX AWD.

Quite happy with it if I do say so myself. Since this is my car now, I can do what I want with it, as long as it's with my own money.
So to start things off I bought a new head-unit. The stock one in the car only plays cassette and radio, which is pretty lame, so I bought a new one and going to ask Geoff to help me install it, since I'm don't know how the wiring works.
Then I plan on taking it somewhere just to get it serviced quickly, to double check there are no major problems, and then lowering it as well, since it's too high for my liking.
After that, I will get some new speakers and maybe even new amps. My new head-unit can run 2 amps, and I already changed the battery to a newer one myself, so it should run ok. Only problem will be money lol.
Rims after that of course, but that is probably still going to be a while away haha.
So much stuff to do, so little money.. D:

There was also the matter of my ATAR score this week. But to be honesty I don't really care that much about it compared to other people. I did ok, most people would think its pretty bad, but for the effort I put in this year I reckon its alright.  Gonna try for Monash Science, if not RMIT nanotech or biotech. Next thing I have to do is get a job and money from the government to pay for my uni fees lol.

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