Friday, March 26, 2010

Guardian Soul

Guys obsess over strength. To be strong, apparently means that you have to have big muscles. I don't hold this to be true. True strength isn't measured by how big your muscles are, or how heavy your weights are. I measure true strength, as the willingness to protect something close you. That "thing" that is close to you, could be anything. It could be your beliefs, your morals, people you care about, your belongings that hold a special meaning or even just your own opinion. Basically anything you feel has a special meaning within your life. To have true strength, is to be able to defend those things. You could say a lot of things, and be able to back it up because you know people or you're tank, but if you can't even stand up for what you believe in, then you are weak. You give in to peer pressure, you care too much about what everyone else thinks about you, and not enough about how you want to be. When something that someone holds dear is on the line, that is when true strength is shown. That person would do anything to be able to correct the situation. Getting angry doesn't help. Getting sad doesn't help. Unless worrying is some new way of dealing with a problem, then you have to act. Do something about it instead of just cycling through emotions.

But that doesn't mean you have to do everything yourself. The world is made of light AND darkness, you can't have one without the other. Where there is light, there will be a shadow cast by that light. It takes someone strong to stay out of the dark, and keep themselves within the light. But it takes someone even stronger to drag themselves out of the darkness, and into the light, where everybody belongs. Sometimes, a person can't do it alone. All it would take, is one helping hand, to lift that person out of darkness, and into the light.

Never lose sight of the light, and stay strong.

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