Wednesday, March 31, 2010


So today i went out with the leaders and the other youth reps out to lyrebird park, which is somewhere in whoopwhoop land...
Anyway, the day was really good, we all learnt a lot about teamwork, communication, trust, responsibility and perspectives.
One thing that I wanted to share, was an analogy that the instructor told us.

"Imagine a still lake. Then imagine yourself walking along the bank of that lake, just you and nothing else. You see a few pebbles lying on the ground, and you decide to skip stones. The pebbles were just the perfect size and shape. So you skip the pebbles along the still lake water. What happens to the water? Ripples form. Watch the ripples form on the surface of the water, and watch them retreat. But what happens to the pebble? It sinks. And as it sinks down into the water, it adds a little bit more depth to the lake." 

Ok, so what does that mean? Well. Think about the lake as a task. And you are the pebble. The ripples are the results of your actions. So, every time the pebble skips along the surface of the water, it signifies your actions. The ripples, are the result of your actions. They can be good or bad. But after awhile, you'll stop skipping along the water, and start to sink. And when that happens, your adding depth, another part, to the lake. Which means that your adding a little bit of yourself, your views/ideas, into that task.
Or you can look at the big picture, and see the lake as "the world", the pebble is still you and the ripples are still your actions. But instead of representing just a task, it represents your life.


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