Monday, March 8, 2010

train of thoughts...

so today i was bored, and i started thinking...

How can you tell if someone is lying to you? How do you know that they aren't hiding something from you? No matter how long you've known them, or how close you are to them, how do you know that they are really who they are? After all, everybody lies. You can't know everything about a person, that much is obvious, but how do you know that what they tell you, everything you know about them is true? Is it better to trust people first, and look for the good things in people? Or is it better to assume you can't trust anyone, until you know more about them? When someone tells a lie, be it a small white lie or even a major lie that could change someone's life, wouldn't that lie still be true for somebody? If you lie to keep someone out of trouble, then the chances that you may have gotten someone else in trouble is still possible. What's so different about saving one person from trouble, than another?

The only answer that i could come up with, isn't really even an answer. There is no difference to saving one person from another. But if you don't come in contact with people that need saving, then you won't need to worry.
Think about this; Life is a series of rooms. And who we get stuck in those rooms with, adds up to what our lives are. They can be good or bad influences. It's up to you to decide whether or not you want to stay in those rooms. Lying, can be considered a way to escape from room, into another. Is that true for you?

Maybe you're one of those people that don't open up much to others. You show everyone, how you would like to be seen, but you're actually dying inside, keeping all your problems, sorrows and pain to yourself. When people ask you personal questions, you dismiss them with a lie, because you don't want people to think of you as a person who can't handle their own problems... The truth is, if you think like that, no offense, but you're a coward. You don't share anything with anyone, people around you don't know what you really feel and that way, no-one can ever give you support, or help you through hard times. Maybe you do confide in a few people, but you wouldn't tell those few people everything that's bothering you. By keeping things in, and then lying about it when someone asks - that's cowardice. You're too scared to face yourself and the thought scares you. And people probably wouldn't have noticed, but yeah, I am talking about least, myself up until around April last year when I met someone. I started opening up to that person, which in turn made me happier and I started to change for the better (:

So yeah, my train of thought kept going, but none of the rest of the stuff is relevant (: and just so you know, there's nothing wrong with me right now. I'm not sad, depressed or anything, just wanted to share my weird train of thoughts with everyone...     :D