Sunday, May 2, 2010

a promise made.

Sometimes, I wish I knew what you were thinking. I wish I knew what was going through your head. I don't know whether you want me in your life or not. I want to know, if you feel the same way about the time that we spend together, no matter how little it may be.

I could ask you. But I already know that you wouldn't give me a straight answer. It would be like me asking you, "what does 2 + 2 equal?" and a day later, you would tell me "not 25."

I made a promise to myself, and I plan to keep it. No matter what the consequences may be.

"The way to love anything, is to realize that it might be lost." I realized that today.

Some people want it to happen.
Some wish it would happen.
Others make it happen.
I wonder which one...

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