Sunday, October 9, 2011

end of the holidays

Kind of depressing actually. To think that it's the end of the holidays already. I actually haven't done anything really substantial in terms of study. I probably could have studied more, but I don't regret not studying, since I'm gonna have to work really hard for the next month or so anyway. Kind of like the calm before the storm sort of thing yeah?

Caught up with a lot of my friends these holidays. Including some that I only ever see once per holidays anyway. It was nice. I probably spent the most time with my uni friends though. Usually everyday I'm out I would be with a different group of friends, but this time around, every Friday night and Sunday I would be out with my uni friends, so that was pretty fun. They also drive me around everywhere, so I never have to spend money on transport, so convenient! I'll be getting my license soon, hopefully. I'm sure it'll be fine though, it can't be that hard? 

The reason why these holidays have passed so fast, is probably because so much stuff has happened. Some good, some bad. More good than bad though. There was one day that was kind of crap, but talking to some friends and having so much to do the few days after that really took my mind off things. 

Whenever I have time to kill, I would be watching SCANDAL videos too! It's just a really good way to pass time and take my mind off study and other things. Now that I think about it, ever since I started listening to SCANDAL, they've actually been a pretty big part of my life, even though they are just a band. I devote quite a bit of money and time to them, buying and listening to their music, as well as learning how to play their songs on guitar. When I'm just talking to a good friend, I would bring them up and try and spread the SCANDAL love as far and wide as I can. When I was in hospital, every time they did a procedure, I would start playing SCANDAL songs in my head to take my mind off all the tubes sticking out of my chest and pushing and pulling that I would feel. Their music would also take my mind off the pain a little bit as well. When I'm not very happy, watching their videos would make me smile and laugh, such as when I watch some of their interviews and the どぼんどぼんど の theme pv.

Hopefully the next few weeks go by fast. I hope I do well as well. I know God has a plan for me, but it's up to me to help fulfill that plan! Can't wait until the 15th of November!

Overall, holidays were good. If some things happened differently it may have been even better, but still it was good nonetheless! The next holidays I'm on are going to be awesome!

"at the moment"  - those were your words.

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