Sunday, July 31, 2011

quote of the day 31/7

"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else."

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

quote of the day 27/7

"I have not failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

quote of the day 26/7

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand."

Monday, July 25, 2011

quote of the day 25/7

"Life is like a coin, you can spend it anyway you want, but you can only spend it once."

Sunday, July 24, 2011


It started off as a normal Sunday for me, Tim picked me up for church this morning and we went to maccas to catch up. Nothing different in particular.
Went to church like normal, and today we decided to head out to Springvale for lunch. Now, I haven't been to Springvale in a while, and when we went, it was so crowded. D: We had to park a few streets away, and as we were walking to the central, we passed this one round-about, where every asian driver had no regard for the rules when taking a round-about. It was pretty much, if your car fits, get in there before someone else does. :S
Anyway, so we had Pho for lunch which was nice. Turns out a lot more people were coming to lunch than we thought, so it was a little cramped lol, and then afterwards I bummed around Springvale with Geoff, Calv, Jeremy and Bill while we waited for Tim to get his haircut haha. Only took about 10 mins though so that was good.

Afterwards, while Calv dropped Jeremy home, and Geoff went to get some stuff from home, Tim and I went to officeworks for a bit to get Tim a notebook, which took longer than we thought because Tim was being asian. >_> Then we all met up at Geoff's place to car pool, and we went to some random park to go "duck hunting". 

What I mean by that, is that we went to some park, and we used Geoff's air cannon to shoot potatoes at stuff lol. Don't worry, we didn't hurt any ducks, but at one point I think we did disturb the local wildlife lol. So we set the cannon to about 50 p.s.i  and shot potatoes everywhere. It was pretty fun. I also went and made 'chips', so that means I shot it at a fence with small holes, so that the potato broke into chip like pieces! The cannon itself was pretty loud, and so when people heard it, they thought we were being dodgy ahaha.

Overall, a pretty fun day, even though I probably should have spent it studying... :S ohwell. No regrets, it was fun!

quote of the day 24/7

 "Trust your hopes, not your fears."

Saturday, July 23, 2011

post-exam period

So today I went to bh in the morning with my family as usual, and met up with the Pang family for breakfast as usual too. Pretty standard Saturday morning.

So while we were at bh, we went to go book our flights to Hong Kong at the end of the year. And now everything has been fully confirmed, I'll be leaving Australia on the 16th at like 1am. That's pretty much as soon as I finish my exams, since my final exam is Physics on the 15th lol. I'll be there until the 12th of December, so almost a month. It's going to be good! Although, since all of my Hong Kong/ China I.D needs to be renewed since I'll be 18, I'll be staying with my cousin like we used to, instead of staying with my Dad lol. But that won't really matter that much, since he'll be coming down to Hong Kong from China anyway!

But what I'm looking forward to the most, is definitely my trip to Japan. Even though it hasn't been confirmed yet, I'll most likely be going, and it's going to be awesome! Talked to my friends about it, and we'll probably leave around the 2nd of January, just after New Years, that way the tickets will be slightly cheaper. Don't know how long I'll be staying there yet, it really depends on how much money I have, and when others are going back. Jay and Jamie will probably go back to Australia a lot later, since they have family over there, but if other people come as well, then I could probably go back with them... that's if other people come though haha.

A good thing though, is that I probably won't have to spend as much money on accommodation. At first, I was planning to get a hotel somewhere in Tokyo, and wherever else I might go, like Sapporo for example. But then Jay and Jamie told me that a 'Love Hotel' is way cheaper, and even though it may seem perverted to us, it really isn't since its cheap and affordable accommodation lol. And then after that, Jay told me that he might have an apartment in Tokyo. It is actually his cousin's, but he'd probably be able to use it since his cousin uses their spare apartments too. So that would be cheaper, since there would be more of us and we can repay Jay's cousin for whatever we use etc. But the next day, Reina tells me that I could probably stay at her place when I'm in Japan, which people would normally think means free accommodation, but then I would feel bad, so if I did decide to end up staying there, I'd pay her family back anyway, or get them something, so it wouldn't be much different from using an apartment that Jay owns. However Reina's house would be... I don't really know what the right word is, but maybe, the most secure? As in, if we go, we can easily confirm that we can stay there, whereas we might not be able to stay at that apartment, which would be a problem lol.

Going to so many places and for so long will make my holidays pretty busy. I wonder how often I would even see my other friends lol. It's going to be a well deserved break though, after the stress of year 12, I'll finally be able to sit back and relax without the thought of holiday homework lingering in the back of my head!

Let's hope I can save up enough money!

quote of the day 23/7

 "We do not remember days, we remember moments."

Friday, July 22, 2011

quote of the day 22/7

 "It's always a lot easier to let something fall apart than it is to try and hold it together."

Thursday, July 21, 2011

quote of the day 21/7

"The only thing you can change about the past, is how you feel about it in the present."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

quote of the day 20/7

"It's infinitely more difficult to form a bond, than to destroy one."

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

quote of the day 19/7

"The mouth says one thing, the heart says another."

Monday, July 18, 2011

quote of the day 18/7

"Impossible things are simply those which so far have never been done."

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

So for english, we had to read a book called 'Year of Wonders'. Opinions about the book are pretty divided, I for one enjoyed it. After reading it though, it got me thinking... what do we live for? What is, as some people put it, the meaning of life?

So that started one my trains of thought, something that hasn't happened in a while. I didn't realise until just now how long its been since I've done a post like this lol. 

Anyway, there was a lot of stuff going through my head. It actually took me a while to really organise my thoughts, and even then it wasn't very concise. 

So I started with what I thought that I had lived for. Dreams. Hopes. Aspirations. Pursuing a career in medical science, is that what my life is for? Am I going to bring any significant change to the world? All of this is uncertain, which I deemed unworthy to be the reason of my existence. Are our dreams, what we hope to become what we live for? For some this may be true, for others it wouldn't. Everyone has probably heard the stories, of people who put their career first, even before their family. Is a successful career, and lot's of money what people really live for? Wishes too. The word is often used when telling another person about what you really want, but doubt you could get. "I wish I could live in a house that big." "I wish I could do better in school." "I wish I was loved." Are fulfilling wishes what people live for? 

I decided that I disagree. 

I thought about what comes next. In school, they always get us to map out our life, to decide on goals for the future. Fair enough. If it helps us search for what we want to do, then ok. But what happens next? What happens after we achieve these 'goals'? Say our goal in life, was to become a doctor. After all the years of studying and hard work, you finally become one. What now? If that was the reason that you were alive, then after you achieve that does that mean you don't need to live anymore? What comes next? What ties us down, so that we have a reason to still be here and not somewhere else? 

The answer I came up with, was love. Family, is what compels someone to stay. Even when all their life goals have been achieved, if they have family then nothing else matters. You'll go about your life, raising money to support your family and bring up your children. Love is something all of mankind strives for. People commit suicide, because they don't feel loved, they feel alone in the world. Loneliness makes everything hard. Most people don't have this problem, but those who do have it, struggle in everything they do. The question that is asked time and time again, is "why is life so hard." 

People often wonder why it's so hard to find someone that accepts them for who they are. In my personal opinion, the question isn't "why can't I find someone", its "why are my eyes closed". Of course, I agree that appearance is vital in finding a partner, I'm not one of those people who think that looks don't matter. If you think that looks don't matter at all, you're kidding yourself. However, appearance isn't the thing that makes a relationship work. If you found the most beautiful/handsome person in the world, but you could not stand them, then obviously a relationship won't work. Appearance is what people look for, but personality is what makes them stay. Now, I'm not saying that people who don't look as good will never find anyone, I think that people who don't dwell on their looks that much, their personality shines brighter than anyone else. It takes time for the right person to see this, and that's when the thing we call love, arises. 

Now there are also people who have been hurt before, and choose to close off their hearts to everyone. To them, the only thing I have to ask is "why?" Can you look inside a room when the door is locked? No, you can't. By closing yourself off from everyone, you eliminate any chance, no matter how small it may be, for someone amazing to be a part of your life. I don't think it's worth it. Yes, you may be scared. But isn't the best way to gain self-confidence to do what you're afraid to do? And courage, is being afraid, but continuing anyway.

This post i getting quite long, so I think I'll summarise here. 

Happiness. That is what I think the meaning of life is. Why do we, as humans, want a successful career and lots of money? To satisfy our wants. And why do we want to satisfy our wants? So that we can be happy. Why do we want to be loved. Because with love, comes happiness. Everything we do in life, links back to us being happy. What we don't like doing, can pretty much be summed up as what doesn't make us happy. Happiness is the cornerstone of our lives. Everyone wants it. Everyone strives for it. Life is hard, because what we perceive that makes us happy, is hard to attain. Everyone is different, so you can't always ask for help. When you're lucky and what you strive for coincides with another person, then you can help each other. But majority of people will find it hard to achieve happiness. 

The purpose of life, is a life of purpose. And for me, that purpose is happiness. But that isn't all. I also want to leave my own mark on this world. Whether I make a significant contribution to the human race, or I make a significant contribution to a person's life. 

I want to be remembered.

quote of the day 16/7

"Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart."

Thursday, July 14, 2011

quote of the day 14/7

"Nobody trips over mountains. It's the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."

Sunday, July 10, 2011


So on Friday, I went to lunch with Reina and Jamie. Eric was supposed to come as well, but he called me up in the morning and told me he was sick with a fever and couldn't make it.

I went to Glen a little bit early though to buy some eyedrops, because my eyes were a little red. When we all met up, it took us a while to decide where to eat. No-one had any preferences so we just started eliminating places we didn't want to go. By the time we walked to the end of the street, the only place left was Raramen, so we decided to eat there. Lunch was nice, but we ordered too much, none of us realised Reina would eat so little D:

After that we just bummed around for a bit. Jamie left for work, and after that Reina and I just chilled at random places. We went to this cafe on the end of Kingston, I think it was called cafe moretti? But yeah we talked there for a while, then we left and went to the food court to talk some more.

I saw heaps of people at Glen that day though. It was actually pretty random. Most random was probably when I was crossing the road with Reina, and I saw Jenny and Lauren in their car. They were the ones that stopped to let us cross ahaha. Turns out Jenny was at Glen getting a new phone haha.

That's about it for Friday... and now onto today...

So today was pretty normal. Tim picked me up for church this morning as usual, and while we were in the car, he sprung communion on me lol. No big deal though, just had to help out pass the trays and stuff around. It did catch me by surprise though haha. When we got to church, Jeremy and Jun were also one person short for the welcome team, so I ended up staying with them out in the cold to help them. They wore a mickey mouse glove each, while I had to carry a crocodile... :S

After church we went to 'Ping's dumplings' for lunch. Tried some random eel dish which was ok, but Jun's "risotto" was just rice and wasn't all that great lol. Tim, Geoff and Calv went to mess around with their cannon afterwards. And by cannon, I mean the air powered cannon that they made, with which they shoot potatoes out of. Think of it like a giant spud gun. Pretty awesome right?

Meanwhile, Jun dropped me off at Sarah's house which wasn't too far. First time I've been there and it was pretty nice. Met one of her housemates which was also nice. We went up to her room to talk and work through some UMAT stuff. She managed to get me some guides on the different sections as well as a practice exam for it, so I'm pretty lucky haha. Other than that, we just talked for a while. Her roommate also brought us this Malaysian bun-like thing, called "Papa Rotti". I remember Age loved it, but I never tried it myself, but I had some today and it was pretty nice. It was sweeter than I thought it would be though.
Sarah also gave me some x-rays that she printed off for me from when I was in hospital! I don't know how, but she managed to find and print them off while she was at placement, so that's pretty cool. I even remembered to borrow "The catcher in the Rye" off Sarah so that I can read it in my spare time.

All the uni people have encounter camp next week, so most of them won't be around. They said that I should have come as well lol. Double encounter retreat, but they're going to Forest Edge which sounds pretty far ahaha. I'm sure they're gonna have an awesome time, like we did at our Youth encounter!

Anyway, thats about it for the update on my life. If anybody is wondering why I skipped Saturday, it's because nothing happened on that day. It was actually pretty boring haha.

Until next time! (:

quote of the day 10/7

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Saturday, July 9, 2011

quote of the day 9/7

"To promise not to do something, is the surest way in the world to make someone want to go and that very thing."

Thursday, July 7, 2011


So from Monday through to the morning of Wednesday, some friends and I were up in Echuca for Erol's 18th playing paintball!

The travel wasn't that bad, took a bus up and back which was only a bit under 3 hours, but if we took the train it would have taken 4 :S We stayed at some random motel there, and we payed for 2 rooms, but cramming 20 people in there for the 2 nights. Fun. It got really dirty, and it was really really loud, and a little crowded, but otherwise it wasn't too bad. Oh, and did I mention I lost a sock. Just one sock. That kind of annoyed me, but meh it could have been worse.

Paintball itself was really fun! We took 2 maxicabs to Moama, which is right next to Echuca, except for the fact that Echuca is in Victoria and Moama is in New South Wales. Cab ride was only 15 minutes to the paintball place, but when we got there, it took ages to get started because there were some forms that we had to fill in since we were under 18. Once it got started however, it couldn't have been more fun. Even though the paintballs were pretty expensive, they were worth it. I was being cheap, and hid in the areas with the most cover, and had an opening big enough for me to stick the tip of my gun through and shoot at will :D
My best shots were probably when I hit Richard in the balls with a yellow paintball, so that when he took his overalls off, there was a big yellow stain on his crotch, when Richard turned around after I hit him in the balls and I shot his ass, and when I shot John in the leg through a small hole in the wall. (:
The worst I got hit was definitely when I was hit in the back of the head. Caught me by surprise and it hurt a lot. D: Other than that I didn't really get hit much, since as I said before, I was being cheap.

When we came back to Melbourne however, I think I got a little sick. Blocked nose and sore throat, but I'm getting better. I also have one bloodshot eye which is kinda odd, but ohwell.

It's a good thing my Gundam game came though. Ordered it a while back, and it came as soon as I got back from paintball. Good thing is, is that no-one else has it, so I can play it around my own schedule, unlike dota or starcraft 2. Since I was sick today, I used the day to rest up, and just relaxed by playing Gundam or nap or stuff like that. It was quite nice. (:

And to finish up, I'll leave you all with the quote of the day for 7/7 :D

"Gifts allow us to demonstrate exactly how little we know about a person."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Youth Assalt Camp 2011

So to start this off, I just have to say that, the sheer epicness of the camp, is pretty much indescribable. The lives that were changed, the weights holding people back lifted, it was all thanks to God.

We arrived down at Phillip Island with expectant hearts, but what came about still caught me completely by surprise. Friday night, Amir and Auntie Poh-Choo taught us some things, and at the end of the night, we all made a vow of silence, to really help prepare us to receive God. Technology was also taken away from us, in order to minimise distractions. It was a little bit odd at first, but it was really refreshing, especially when we worshipped, to finish our vow.
Saturday Night was the most epic though. It started off normally, with worship, however, even though Amir had all this stuff planned for the night, it all changed when the Holy Spirit descended into the place where we worshipped. At the start of the camp, we filled in this spiritual profile booklet, completely private, about all our past sins and that sort of stuff. After worship on Saturday night, we took those booklets out, and burned them. It was the physical act of erasing out past sins and beginning anew. When we went back inside, we continued to worship, and the it was just a whole night of prayer. People were breaking down, people were being deeply moved. It was really obvious that lives were being changed that night.
Sunday morning was just as good, people shared about what they experienced the night before, and it just showed how amazing our God really is. I was also on worship that morning, which went really well. Even though Robby wasn't back yet, since he had to take the babies home, Nick played in his place, and it all worked out fine! It was also really fun, since the songs that we played were fun to play haha.
Coming back from camp, I was dead tired. Slept almost the whole trip back, and then chilled at Sarton Road waiting for people to be taken home. After that some of us went to Joyce's house to play monopoly deal and talk, before heading off to Glen to eat. At this point, both my sister and I still haven't gone home. We ate at Raramen, and then when we left we went to go say hi to Jun and them too.
After that, Tim took my sister home, and I also dropped off my stuff before going to Dena's house to play Bang! and some more monopoly deal LOL. It was good just hanging out, but in the end I didn't end up going home until about midnight. :S I'm pretty sure I looked like a hobo, since I didn't go home to change or anything. |: It was really fun though!

At the moment I'm still pretty tired, since I'm a little sleep deprived, but we've got paintball up in NSW later, so I think I'm actually going to die. ): Let's hope its worth it!

quote of the day 4/7

Haven't been around for a while, lets hope this one makes up for the absence! 

"Information is incapable of harm, in and of itself. Ideas are neither good nor bad, but merely as useful as what we do with them. Only our actions can cause harm."