Saturday, July 16, 2011

So for english, we had to read a book called 'Year of Wonders'. Opinions about the book are pretty divided, I for one enjoyed it. After reading it though, it got me thinking... what do we live for? What is, as some people put it, the meaning of life?

So that started one my trains of thought, something that hasn't happened in a while. I didn't realise until just now how long its been since I've done a post like this lol. 

Anyway, there was a lot of stuff going through my head. It actually took me a while to really organise my thoughts, and even then it wasn't very concise. 

So I started with what I thought that I had lived for. Dreams. Hopes. Aspirations. Pursuing a career in medical science, is that what my life is for? Am I going to bring any significant change to the world? All of this is uncertain, which I deemed unworthy to be the reason of my existence. Are our dreams, what we hope to become what we live for? For some this may be true, for others it wouldn't. Everyone has probably heard the stories, of people who put their career first, even before their family. Is a successful career, and lot's of money what people really live for? Wishes too. The word is often used when telling another person about what you really want, but doubt you could get. "I wish I could live in a house that big." "I wish I could do better in school." "I wish I was loved." Are fulfilling wishes what people live for? 

I decided that I disagree. 

I thought about what comes next. In school, they always get us to map out our life, to decide on goals for the future. Fair enough. If it helps us search for what we want to do, then ok. But what happens next? What happens after we achieve these 'goals'? Say our goal in life, was to become a doctor. After all the years of studying and hard work, you finally become one. What now? If that was the reason that you were alive, then after you achieve that does that mean you don't need to live anymore? What comes next? What ties us down, so that we have a reason to still be here and not somewhere else? 

The answer I came up with, was love. Family, is what compels someone to stay. Even when all their life goals have been achieved, if they have family then nothing else matters. You'll go about your life, raising money to support your family and bring up your children. Love is something all of mankind strives for. People commit suicide, because they don't feel loved, they feel alone in the world. Loneliness makes everything hard. Most people don't have this problem, but those who do have it, struggle in everything they do. The question that is asked time and time again, is "why is life so hard." 

People often wonder why it's so hard to find someone that accepts them for who they are. In my personal opinion, the question isn't "why can't I find someone", its "why are my eyes closed". Of course, I agree that appearance is vital in finding a partner, I'm not one of those people who think that looks don't matter. If you think that looks don't matter at all, you're kidding yourself. However, appearance isn't the thing that makes a relationship work. If you found the most beautiful/handsome person in the world, but you could not stand them, then obviously a relationship won't work. Appearance is what people look for, but personality is what makes them stay. Now, I'm not saying that people who don't look as good will never find anyone, I think that people who don't dwell on their looks that much, their personality shines brighter than anyone else. It takes time for the right person to see this, and that's when the thing we call love, arises. 

Now there are also people who have been hurt before, and choose to close off their hearts to everyone. To them, the only thing I have to ask is "why?" Can you look inside a room when the door is locked? No, you can't. By closing yourself off from everyone, you eliminate any chance, no matter how small it may be, for someone amazing to be a part of your life. I don't think it's worth it. Yes, you may be scared. But isn't the best way to gain self-confidence to do what you're afraid to do? And courage, is being afraid, but continuing anyway.

This post i getting quite long, so I think I'll summarise here. 

Happiness. That is what I think the meaning of life is. Why do we, as humans, want a successful career and lots of money? To satisfy our wants. And why do we want to satisfy our wants? So that we can be happy. Why do we want to be loved. Because with love, comes happiness. Everything we do in life, links back to us being happy. What we don't like doing, can pretty much be summed up as what doesn't make us happy. Happiness is the cornerstone of our lives. Everyone wants it. Everyone strives for it. Life is hard, because what we perceive that makes us happy, is hard to attain. Everyone is different, so you can't always ask for help. When you're lucky and what you strive for coincides with another person, then you can help each other. But majority of people will find it hard to achieve happiness. 

The purpose of life, is a life of purpose. And for me, that purpose is happiness. But that isn't all. I also want to leave my own mark on this world. Whether I make a significant contribution to the human race, or I make a significant contribution to a person's life. 

I want to be remembered.

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