Sunday, July 10, 2011


So on Friday, I went to lunch with Reina and Jamie. Eric was supposed to come as well, but he called me up in the morning and told me he was sick with a fever and couldn't make it.

I went to Glen a little bit early though to buy some eyedrops, because my eyes were a little red. When we all met up, it took us a while to decide where to eat. No-one had any preferences so we just started eliminating places we didn't want to go. By the time we walked to the end of the street, the only place left was Raramen, so we decided to eat there. Lunch was nice, but we ordered too much, none of us realised Reina would eat so little D:

After that we just bummed around for a bit. Jamie left for work, and after that Reina and I just chilled at random places. We went to this cafe on the end of Kingston, I think it was called cafe moretti? But yeah we talked there for a while, then we left and went to the food court to talk some more.

I saw heaps of people at Glen that day though. It was actually pretty random. Most random was probably when I was crossing the road with Reina, and I saw Jenny and Lauren in their car. They were the ones that stopped to let us cross ahaha. Turns out Jenny was at Glen getting a new phone haha.

That's about it for Friday... and now onto today...

So today was pretty normal. Tim picked me up for church this morning as usual, and while we were in the car, he sprung communion on me lol. No big deal though, just had to help out pass the trays and stuff around. It did catch me by surprise though haha. When we got to church, Jeremy and Jun were also one person short for the welcome team, so I ended up staying with them out in the cold to help them. They wore a mickey mouse glove each, while I had to carry a crocodile... :S

After church we went to 'Ping's dumplings' for lunch. Tried some random eel dish which was ok, but Jun's "risotto" was just rice and wasn't all that great lol. Tim, Geoff and Calv went to mess around with their cannon afterwards. And by cannon, I mean the air powered cannon that they made, with which they shoot potatoes out of. Think of it like a giant spud gun. Pretty awesome right?

Meanwhile, Jun dropped me off at Sarah's house which wasn't too far. First time I've been there and it was pretty nice. Met one of her housemates which was also nice. We went up to her room to talk and work through some UMAT stuff. She managed to get me some guides on the different sections as well as a practice exam for it, so I'm pretty lucky haha. Other than that, we just talked for a while. Her roommate also brought us this Malaysian bun-like thing, called "Papa Rotti". I remember Age loved it, but I never tried it myself, but I had some today and it was pretty nice. It was sweeter than I thought it would be though.
Sarah also gave me some x-rays that she printed off for me from when I was in hospital! I don't know how, but she managed to find and print them off while she was at placement, so that's pretty cool. I even remembered to borrow "The catcher in the Rye" off Sarah so that I can read it in my spare time.

All the uni people have encounter camp next week, so most of them won't be around. They said that I should have come as well lol. Double encounter retreat, but they're going to Forest Edge which sounds pretty far ahaha. I'm sure they're gonna have an awesome time, like we did at our Youth encounter!

Anyway, thats about it for the update on my life. If anybody is wondering why I skipped Saturday, it's because nothing happened on that day. It was actually pretty boring haha.

Until next time! (:

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