Sunday, July 24, 2011


It started off as a normal Sunday for me, Tim picked me up for church this morning and we went to maccas to catch up. Nothing different in particular.
Went to church like normal, and today we decided to head out to Springvale for lunch. Now, I haven't been to Springvale in a while, and when we went, it was so crowded. D: We had to park a few streets away, and as we were walking to the central, we passed this one round-about, where every asian driver had no regard for the rules when taking a round-about. It was pretty much, if your car fits, get in there before someone else does. :S
Anyway, so we had Pho for lunch which was nice. Turns out a lot more people were coming to lunch than we thought, so it was a little cramped lol, and then afterwards I bummed around Springvale with Geoff, Calv, Jeremy and Bill while we waited for Tim to get his haircut haha. Only took about 10 mins though so that was good.

Afterwards, while Calv dropped Jeremy home, and Geoff went to get some stuff from home, Tim and I went to officeworks for a bit to get Tim a notebook, which took longer than we thought because Tim was being asian. >_> Then we all met up at Geoff's place to car pool, and we went to some random park to go "duck hunting". 

What I mean by that, is that we went to some park, and we used Geoff's air cannon to shoot potatoes at stuff lol. Don't worry, we didn't hurt any ducks, but at one point I think we did disturb the local wildlife lol. So we set the cannon to about 50 p.s.i  and shot potatoes everywhere. It was pretty fun. I also went and made 'chips', so that means I shot it at a fence with small holes, so that the potato broke into chip like pieces! The cannon itself was pretty loud, and so when people heard it, they thought we were being dodgy ahaha.

Overall, a pretty fun day, even though I probably should have spent it studying... :S ohwell. No regrets, it was fun!

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