Wednesday, August 31, 2011

stuff always tastes better when its free

So today I went to boxhill with Johno and Paul. At first I was just gonna meet them there, since they were gonna go at 12 and I didn't plan on leaving halfway through class, but then when I get to class, Mr. Duong tells us that he's going to Melbourne Uni to do this course, so we finish class at 12. Perfect. So I meet up with them after and we head to boxhill for $1 cheeseburgers!

Lunch was pretty cheap, but we didn't buy any drinks. Paul just happened to have a juice box though so he was lucky haha. Earlier that day, Johno told us that apparently Boost was having a special promotion thing, where you do a certain something and you can get a free boost. He heard it from Marina, who sung a song that has something to do with fruit yesterday, in public, for a free boost. Today, it was 'wear a watermelon hat'. Now, we weren't sure if that was actually true, so we went and asked, just to make sure. Turns out it was true, and so we went to coles downstairs, and bought 2 halves of watermelon. We took them to a secluded place, and used Johno's plastic forks to get all the watermelon out. At first we were eating it, but then we got sick of it and just threw it out. We only got them for the shell anyway lol. It was actually really fun lol. After that, we got rid of as much water as we could, and put some glad wrap to protect our hair. We put them on and walked to Boost, very casually. People gave us some pretty weird looks, but we didn't mind, we had no shame. Went up and ordered like normal, and the boost bar people took a photo of us before they gave us our order lol. Everything tastes nicer when it's free.

After that we studied for quite a while at the library. I didn't really get much done, but I was amazed at how hard working Marina was. Still, I got more done at the library than I usually do at home anyway, so it was all good.

no shame. no shame at all.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

this weekend

Considering the fact that I have a methods sac tomorrow, I have had a very busy weekend.

So I'll start off with Saturday morning. Tim came to pick me up around 9:20am in his new car. Personally, I love his new Nissan 350Z. It is awesome. Just plain awesome. Just sitting in it makes me feel unbelievably cool haha. Every time I'm in it, I kind of hope I see someone I know, just so I can be like, "Yeah that's right, I have friends that drives these kinds of cars." ahaha. Anyway, so he came to get me in the morning, and we headed off to Glen to meet up with Duc, to get coffee and get some UCC transition stuff done. That went really well, and we got quite a bit done. After that Tim dropped me home, and for the next few hours I did a little bit of methods, and procrastinated a lot. Then I headed out again, and went to Serry's house for a bbq. It was a really fun and chilled night. We really should do it more often. Got home pretty late, but that didn't really matter, since it was a Saturday anyway.

And now for Sunday. So of course, I had church in the morning. We were actually on parking this morning, but we didn't have our bright fluro vests, so no-one actually knew we were doing parking lol. So once again, Tim picked me up in his new car, and when we got to church, he got a lot of unwanted attention for it ahaha. Pretty funny though in my opinion. Then after church I went back home. I at first planned to do some methods, but I fell asleep after like 2 questions and ended up napping until about 4:30.. Not very productive. Missed a chance to catch up with a friend too, but ohwell, nothing I can do about that... At about 5:30 Duc came to pick me up, and we went to Glen to get some take away. (yes, I went to glen a lot) And then we went to Gary's house to catch up. Duc had some stuff he wanted to share with us while we were still in Youth lol. On the way to Gary's though, Duc ran a red light, which was pretty funny, since the guy behind him followed and also go flashed by the cameras lol.

And now I'm sitting here, posting this because I REALLY don't want to do methods D:


quote of the day 28/8

"No-one is willing to say what hurts them. They tend to hide their anxious feelings within their hidden dreams."

Thursday, August 25, 2011

quote of the day 25/8

"Whoever said time heals all wounds never had their leg bitten off by a shark."

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

quote of the day 23/8

"In everything you do, consider the end."

Sunday, August 21, 2011



お誕生日 おめでとう! RINA!!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

as the year is starting to draw to a close...

So it recently hit me, that I really don't have that much of high school left. Been studying a lot lately, and to compensate for the sudden increase in my trips to the library, I have acquired a wifi modem. Pretty nice if I do say so myself, and very useful. Soon this year will be over. And there are some things in which my best chance at is during this year.

I really wonder how my life is going to turn out from here on out. I never really gave it much thought, since it's always the same deal after the school year ends. You go on holiday, do holiday homework, and soon enough you'll be back sat school, going through the same routine as the year before, with slight differences. But now that's not going to be the same. Everything changes. Life will be completely different, and its kinda intimidating.

On a different note, it's Rina's birthday in a few hours. Gonna stay up and do a birthday post for her, and I'm also gonna change my facebook dp to a picture of her, just for her birthday! (:

I'll post again very soon!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

on a different note

On a different note, I'm gonna try my best and organise my days, so that I can hang out with a certain person. It kinda sucks that I can't do anything with that person, since we're both always so busy. but ohwell. Gonna try again.

I'm starting to run out of time. If I don't get it done this year, there is a good chance it won't happen at all. I've always what it would be like to be in someone else's head. Then I wouldn't always be so "in the dark". Kinda annoying, but hopefully things will work out. Only thing brightening my days at the moment are the trips to the library and SCANDAL. I don't know where I'd be without SCANDAL in my life. I'd like, have no passion. |:

All in good time?

Baby Action!

Got my new SCANDAL album today! Baby Action! It is awesome. I got the magazine/book version, so it's pretty big, but I absolutely love it. It has officially made my week. And its also Rina's birthday on Sunday!

When I first saw it, you cannot imagine how excited I was. I got my knife out and ready to cut it open, before I realised I should take a picture of it.

What it looked like when I first opened the package.

What it looked like after I opened it. There was a sticker too! The stuff inside is awesome as well. I love this album so much! (:

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Meteor by T.M Revolution

quote of the day 17/8

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand."

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

quote of the day 16/8

"The world belongs to you, just as much as you belong to the world."

Saturday, August 13, 2011

quote of the day 13/8

"You learn to like someone when you find out what makes them laugh. But you can never truly love someone until you find out what makes them cry."

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

crappy start to the week

So like the title says, I've had a pretty crap start to the week, and it's only been two days! Sunday was good, but as soon as we got to Monday, everything just went downhill.

On Monday, I got my results back for my midyears, and lets just say that it was less than satisfactory... Although it was what I expected to get, I still hoped that I would do better. It just means that I have to work much, much harder this semester. The period right after that, I had a chem sac, which wasn't too bad, but still annoying since I wasn't in the best of moods after getting my
results back.

And then yesterday, I got my methods sac back, and failed it. That was annoying. Quite a few people failed though, so I wasn't too cut, but its still annoying. Right after that, during lunchtime, I get a phone call from the travel agency, telling me that our flight to Japan has been altered because Korean Air had some 'problems'. sigh. Our flight was then changed to just a couple minutes later, but because of that, we can't connect to the flight to Japan that we were planning to take. Now we have to stay in Seoul for a night, and then take the next available flight out to Tokyo. If we lose a day out of our week in Japan, I'm going to be so cut. A week was already very little time there, because of the tight budget that the others had, and if we lose a day because of the stupid airline...omg. Only good thing that comes out of it, is that accomadation, breakfast and dinner is free, because it was the airline's fault, not ours. Still annoyed though, it means we have to pick up new tickets, and check everything again. SIGH.

So far the only thing that has made me happy this week, is all the SCANDAL stuff I've been watching; interviews and stuff like that. Since the album is being released tomorrow, quite a lot of stuff has been popping up on the internet that I've been following. SCANDAL is like the one light in an otherwise pitch black room. If it wasn't for SCANDAL, I think I'd be in a pretty bad mood.

It's also Haruna's Birthday today. HAPPY 23rd BIRTHDAY HARUNA, even though you'll probably never see this...

お誕生日 おめでとう Haruna!
And since I'm putting up pictures of SCANDAL, I might as well post this one of Rina that I recently found...

I love Rina's smile so much... Whenever I see her smile, it just makes me all happy and warm, it makes me smile too, no matter how bad my weeks been. (:

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

quote of the day 9/8

"One who knows nothing, can understand nothing."

Monday, August 8, 2011

This is a way


quote of the day 8/8

"To learn to succeed, you must first learn to fail."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

quote of the day 7/8

"What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul?"  
- Matthew 16:26

Saturday, August 6, 2011

by my side

So Jun just dropped this off at my house, along with the parking stuff...

'David Choi - by my side'
I've been waiting for this for awhile. Love this album, and now I finally have the CD! We all bought it together, and I keep forgetting to get it off Jun, but now I've finally gotten it!

For those who haven't heard his music, look up "David Choi - by my side" on youtube. I swear you won't regret it!

athletics 2011

As usual, we had our school athletics at knox athletics centre. This year though, I decided to dress up with my non-asian friends, since the other guys had no idea what they were doing. We went as tennis players and it was actually pretty fun this year.

I remember when I went last year it was pretty boring. We hardly did any events, and we just sat there bored. We didn't bother trying to dress up either lol. This year though, we made the effort to dress up, even though it was really simple, and we actually did stuff! I ran the 400m with some other people, but it wasn't serious though. We wanted our friend Gerrard to win, since he's always failed P.E, and this was his chance to have a sporting achievement! So we ran as group and put on an act to let him win. We also signed up for high jump just for fun, and I was the only one out of us "tennis players" to clear 145cm, so I won a 3rd ribbon lol. It's funny because I've never done High Jump in my life.

There was a few things we did to pass the time though. A lot of the girls in our year level wanted to take photos, so that took up some time, and then we also had one of those high bounce balls, so we took it to the grassy field and started playing tennis without a net. After a while though it turned into something else. We started off playing tennis, then it became 'how long we can keep the rally going', which them turned into 'who can do the coolest dives'. The last part was started by me, since I was trying to be dramatic when we were trying to keep the rally going lol.

Overall it was pretty fun, heaps better than last year, and time passed so much faster this year too!

the tennis players, minus aidan (he was winning the 800m)

quote of the day 6/8

"Change your thoughts and you change your world."

Monday, August 1, 2011

Love Survive

So I recently got my new SCANDAL CD in the mail. The postman came at around 7:45pm, which I found really weird... I always thought they came during the day, usually while I'm at school...

Anyway, so their new single, which was released on the day of the UMAT, was shipped and finally arrived today! Their new single is called 'Love Survive' but I think the budget for this summer single was pretty low, since they also have their new album 'Baby Action' coming out on Haruna's birthday. I'm guessing the album would definitely have a bigger budget, so they would have to cut some costs for this single.
new single, includes; CD, photo booklet, stickers and pin (:

The songs on this single are still good though! But I honestly am looking forward to the album more... I ordered the one with the magazine/book thing, so I'm expecting a bigger package than usual haha. 

Before, I said that their new album is being released on Haruna's birthday, which is August 10th. Only problem with that, is that I heard that there are quite a few other artists that are releasing albums around the same time, which will probably affect their ranking on the oricon charts ): Ohwell, I hope they can manage to do well, it will really boost their popularity if they can pull it off!

It's pretty insane though. SCANDAL are working unbelievably hard. The recently ended their "Dreamer" tour, and following the tour was the release of 'Love Survive', and coming up now is the release of 'Baby Action'. Not to mention their interviews, as well that random thing they did with niconico. I really do hope that they aren't being overworked, and aren't exhausted... SCANDAL with no energy just isn't the same... D:

top left; Pride, top right; Best Scandal, bottom left; Haruka, bottom right; Love Survive

So far, I've collected those 4 SCANDAL CD's as well as a poster. I think I'm starting to become a fanboy, but only when it comes to SCANDAL lol. The only other CD that I have bought is the David Choi album, which I'll be getting off Jun on friday hopefully. SCANDAL is one of the very few bands which I buy my music from. I'm sure my collection will grow as well.

I really hope I'll get to meet them one day. People have told me that there's no chance, but I'm pretty stubborn. And Rina is the first celebrity that I have fawned over, so meeting them would be pretty special for me lol. One day Andy, one day.

quote of the day 1/8

"We cannot become what we need to be, by remaining what we are."