Sunday, August 28, 2011

this weekend

Considering the fact that I have a methods sac tomorrow, I have had a very busy weekend.

So I'll start off with Saturday morning. Tim came to pick me up around 9:20am in his new car. Personally, I love his new Nissan 350Z. It is awesome. Just plain awesome. Just sitting in it makes me feel unbelievably cool haha. Every time I'm in it, I kind of hope I see someone I know, just so I can be like, "Yeah that's right, I have friends that drives these kinds of cars." ahaha. Anyway, so he came to get me in the morning, and we headed off to Glen to meet up with Duc, to get coffee and get some UCC transition stuff done. That went really well, and we got quite a bit done. After that Tim dropped me home, and for the next few hours I did a little bit of methods, and procrastinated a lot. Then I headed out again, and went to Serry's house for a bbq. It was a really fun and chilled night. We really should do it more often. Got home pretty late, but that didn't really matter, since it was a Saturday anyway.

And now for Sunday. So of course, I had church in the morning. We were actually on parking this morning, but we didn't have our bright fluro vests, so no-one actually knew we were doing parking lol. So once again, Tim picked me up in his new car, and when we got to church, he got a lot of unwanted attention for it ahaha. Pretty funny though in my opinion. Then after church I went back home. I at first planned to do some methods, but I fell asleep after like 2 questions and ended up napping until about 4:30.. Not very productive. Missed a chance to catch up with a friend too, but ohwell, nothing I can do about that... At about 5:30 Duc came to pick me up, and we went to Glen to get some take away. (yes, I went to glen a lot) And then we went to Gary's house to catch up. Duc had some stuff he wanted to share with us while we were still in Youth lol. On the way to Gary's though, Duc ran a red light, which was pretty funny, since the guy behind him followed and also go flashed by the cameras lol.

And now I'm sitting here, posting this because I REALLY don't want to do methods D:


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