Thursday, September 29, 2011

recent times

Haven't updated in a while, so I thought I'd do it now since I have some time. My last post was about Sunday, so I guess I'll start from Monday?

Well I had my hazard perception test on Monday, which went well! While I was doing it, it was really frustrating because they don't tell you if you're right or not. I was doing the test, and I was really scared that I was going to fail, and that would have been so embarrassing! Luckily for me, I didn't fail, and passed with 80% which I think is pretty good. I'm halfway to getting my license! yay!

Tuesday was pretty tame. Nothing much really happened during the day, but at night, Alan came over with Kevin, and we took them out to korean bbq, as an early treat for Alan's birthday. $29 a head is an all-right price, since it was korean bbq and a buffet. It's a good thing us guys eat a lot, so it was worth it! 

After that they stayed the night at my place, and we were up playing monopoly deal, and lego star wars. Lego star wars wasn't that good though.. It was the new clone wars one, since we already beat the other lego star wars game last year, but this on was really frustrating because the puzzles were actually hard, and the amount of droids that keep coming was really annoying. Slept pretty early though, since Alan had to head to school the next day for a lecture. While Alan was gone, Kevin and I just spammed fairy tail, because it was so good. And when Alan came back we just mucked around for a couple of hours. It was good catching up. 

And so we come to today. At first, I was planning to catch up on some sleep, but at around 12 my sister had friends come over, and they were really loud, so that plan went down the drain. While her friends were over, I mostly did my own thing, except at one point I was playing monopoly deal with them. They left soon after, and I headed to the city at about 5ish to meet up with Johno. I was planning to scab some lecture notes off him, but they were mostly matrices which I didn't really need lol. Nonetheless I got some work done. Marina, Paul, small Jason, Hung-Tzu and Thomas were also there. We chilled for a little bit afterwards, and then Paul, Thomas and I headed to Holmesglen to eat with korean Jason. Ate at 'Let's Bab' because Thomas decided he wanted korean, even though Jason wanted vietnamese lol. It was still good though! I felt like a night prowler though, wasting the whole day away, and then going out at night only.. :S

Tomorrow is going to be good though. Jun's picking me up at 2:45 and we're gonna go play soccer with some of the guys! It's a good chance for me to get some much needed exercise, since I stopped exercise of any sort after I got out of the hospital lol. After that we're gonna grab dinner, and then head off to UCC zone night. It'll be my first time, so I'm really looking forward to it!! 

On a different note, there was one little thing today that annoyed me. Actually, annoyed might be too strong of a word... more disappointing than annoying. Wanted to do something, but then all these other people will be tagging along too. Ah well, nothing I can do about it. Disappointed because this might be the only chance to chill. Can't complain though, at least we did end up organising something. (:

Monday, September 26, 2011

man initiation

At the library right now, taking a quick break from study, so I decided to update my blog.

So last night we had a BQQ at Geoff's place. Overall it was pretty fun, nice and chill too. When Chiu and I got there, Jeremy and Chau were playing Super Smash Bros on Geoff's old Nintendo 64. Chiu wanted to learn how to play, so I chilled outside with Geoff and Calv. As Geoff was getting the BQQ ready, both him and Calv decided to make me do things and call it man initiation. Of course they weren't being serious, but it was actually pretty fun.

The 'man initiation' tasks were mostly just random stuff that was pretty cool to do, or Geoff had no time to do. I felt kinda like a slave, but it was pretty funny.
For example, the first thing I did, was get a meat cleaver, and chop the cooked corn into pieces for everyone. It felt like a pretty normal thing to do, until Chris Wong came and said that I looked like one of those people at the asian markets who chop chicken with the cleaver LOL.
Another thing I did, was make fire with a lamb chop. I bet none of you have done that before ahaha. It was pretty funny. It actually doesn't do anything to the lamb chop, so it's a pretty useless trick, but it looks cool and that's all that matters.
We also put our hand into the fire that Geoff made. That wasn't really man initiation since it was so easy, but we had to do it to prove we were more manly than Chiu LOL.

It was quite fun. There was a lot of food and a nice fire to just sit around. There were some funny moments as well. We of course also had a chance to roast marshmallows. And not only that, but we also converted some of the marshmallows into 'groinmallows', but no-one needs to know what those are. It's too bad I had to leave at 10, since I had my hazards this morning, but it was fun nonetheless. I also learnt how to make lemon and lime bitters!

Next time I have a BQQ with friends, I'll be able to make it much better than most with all the tricks that I learnt from barbeque/safety master, Geoff Wong. You guys WANT to have a barbeque with me now. :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

ash like snow

Ash like snow is falling from the sky. Try and collect it in the palm of your hand, but its so light that as soon as you think you've gotten a hold of it, it is blown away instantly. Ash isn't as beautiful as snow. No, it will never be as beautiful as snow. Yet, while it falls, they look identical. Sorrow, masked as bliss in the form of a white flake. They resemble each other, but they couldn't be anymore different.
Old scars also open up. Always wondering what is going to happen. I'm scared.

When I couldn't see a future, I was afraid. When the future was clear and it hurt to see, I just close my eyes and lose myself in happier days. It's easy to lose sight of things.
Only option is to believe. Confidence can take a man so far. Believing in things is the only way. After all, you can't run away from yourself.

Going to fix my eyes on that day.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


So I just found out a nice piece of information.

Turns out SCANDAL are getting ready to release another new single! The girls work unbelievably hard! Thanks to their 3rd album being released and achieving a pretty high ranking in the oricon charts, they were busy with heaps of interviews and stuff like that. Also, they recently started their Asia tour, which I REALLY REALLY wanted to go to by the way, in Hong Kong and Taiwan etc.. And right after their tour, they're releasing a new single? Don't these girls ever take a break? Most artists would take a few weeks break after a tour in another country, but not SCANDAL. I really wonder where they get their energy from. Maybe I should take a page out of their book and work as hard as them!

Anyway, the new single being released is going to be called "Harukaze", and going by the literal translation would mean "spring-wind". Apparently SCANDAL is coming back to Bleach, with this song as the new opening as of 11th of October. Maybe I'll get back into Bleach just for this song!

Don't know the release date of the actual single yet though, but I'm still looking forward to it!! (:

quote of the day 21/9

"Time is what we want most, but what we use worst."


Now that the year is starting to end, I've begun to lose all motivation. Studying is just so depressing.

Don't know what I'm going to do. Lacking joy in my life. I can't wait for my exams to finish.

It would be nice if I could take a whole day out, and forget about my exams and study.

Holidays are coming up, maybe I can do that soon.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


It feels as though I've reached the peak of the mountain. From this point on, it's just a straight path towards my goal, both academically and that other thing.
It wasn't an easy path for me to take. Started on one path at the start of the year, and have sort of branched off a little. Academically my goals remain unchanged, however my social life has changed quite a lot.
There were a whole heap of pebbles in my path, constantly tripping me up in both aspects, and at times, nothing would seem to go right, yet at other times, things would seem to be absolute bliss.

In terms of my school life, I finally realised what my own capabilities were and what I needed to do in order to run a good race. Starting second semester, I finally took my education more seriously. I dropped certain responsibilities and focused more on studying.

My social life on the other hand, had dropped quite a bit since the start of the year. I stopped social gaming, and only gamed as stress relief and boredom relief. I became a little bit anti-social since my eyes were only on one thing (or person if you like). However, once I realised that I was being stupid, I've managed to keep up a healthy social life, as well as relatively good marks.

I guess my path has always been pretty narrow. When our year 12 formal came around, that same narrow path decided to branch off. Two choices, to continue on the path that I've always been on, or take the alternate route. I chose the alternate route. Mainly because I was sort of sick of the path I was on, and wanted to take that risk. I always think, it's not interesting unless there is that little bit of risk. That is partly why I'm so fascinated by diseases and the like.

You could say that I'm heading towards a checkpoint in my path. The first obstacle in a long, long path. The outcome of that would probably have two possibilities. Either I live my life normally, with only a slight change, or my life will change for the better. Either way, there isn't too much of a downside in terms of my life. There are other things though, that will change. But I don't think they're appropriate for my blog. If you are really that curious, I guess you could ask me, but depending on who you are, I could be very vague, or I could be very precise.

"Who is waiting at the end of the road?"

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

whose reality

So lately I've been neglecting my 'quotes of the day' portion of my blog. So I figured I'd incorporate it into today's update, seeing as I don't have anything interesting to say anyway.

A bit of background information, we've been doing the context whose reality for English at school, and it's a pretty broad theme. To be honest it's not really that hard, and since the sac can be an imaginative piece, I can just make any kind of crap up and still be able to link it to the prompt. As a result, I'm writing a set of journal entries by a uni student, about his assignment on lies and why they do it.

One quote I used in my piece, completely original by the way, was this:

"Fantasy, is all our wants and desires, given form only in our own mind."

Sunday, September 11, 2011

eventful weekend

To start things off, I would like to make clear the fact that I have 3 sacs tomorrow, period 3, 4 and 5. That is, English, Methods and the Chem. Good Game.

Anyway, on Friday night, I would usually have Youth. That night though, we changed things up a little, by having the year 12s visit the UCC Home cells as part of a transition program. I think I might've mentioned that about 2 weeks ago, Tim, Duc and I met up to allocate people to cells. The purpose of that was for this transition program thing. It was a really good night. I was allocated to Lauren and Vee's cell, but they are sort of joined with Jun and Chiu's cell at the moment, so we all met at the same place; Wes' house.

It was nice, very chill, and had good chats with the UCC people. When we had our discussions though, we split into our separate cells, and funnily enough, none of the guys in my cell came tonight except for me. It was quite odd, since I've always been in all guy cells, and all of a sudden I'm in a cell full of girls. Other than that oddity, it was really good. I enjoyed the study, and was able to see how home cell works in UCC.

Onto Saturday. As per usual, I went to Box Hill with my mum for breakfast. When I got home after that, I waited for Anthony to get to my place, since we were going to the city to pick up corsages for the formal that night. So I tell Anthony to get to my place at 12:30, and he texts me later saying he'll be a little late. In the end, he rocked up to my place at 1:30, and we were in a rush to get to the station, since we still had to come back and get our stuff for the formal. We head into the city, to pick up our corsages, and as we were walking to QV, we bump into Jenny! As it turns out, she was meeting up with one of the girls from Khancoban, but was lost trying to find her way in the city. We took her to where she needed to go, and then proceeded to find the flower shop that Johno ordered the corsages from. After we picked them up, we were walking past China town, and Anthony challenged me to have a crazy wing. Mistake number 1. If you listen to me enough, you notice that I don't often back down from reasonable challenges. So I obviously accepted it, and it was the absolute worst decision I could have made. It was horrible, I literally started crying when I ate it, and I didn't have enough water, so I was suffering during the train ride back. Now, I don't know whether it was because the crazy wing place was dirty, or I had a bad reaction, but my stomach was in immense pain. I hurt so much I couldn't even walk. You have to know, that I actually have a pretty strong pain threshold, but this pain was just so much I couldn't handle it. It took us literally almost 45 mins to walk back to my place, since I had to stop so often. When I got to school to have more water, I felt quite a bit better, and as soon as I took some panadol I was ok. But then we were so strapped for time, since we had to meet at Frances' house in Templestowe before we head to the formal. Luckily Johno's mum was able to give us a lift and we made it in time!

Formal itself was quite good. The food was about the same as what we had at ours, but they had a chocolate fountain, an area for the professional photos and live music. So overall, it was better than our own formal lol. Since we didn't know anyone though, it was sort of awkward when we partied on the floor with all these white kids, so that was meh. However, we found a nice corner with couches and we put the together, and had our own party there, which was much more fun. The girls thought we were being weird though haha.

After party was all right too. Other people showed up to Frances' place as well, like Ben, Osman, Vivian Mark etc. It was a pretty random night. Ben and I didn't get beds though, so it took us ages to find a good place to sleep, and it was freezing as well! Other than that it was good. Made some new friends too which is always nice! There might be photos up on facebook, depends on the girls really, so if you want to see them, you'll just have to wait! (: 

A bad thing though, was that I had absolutely no time to study for my sacs...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

today is thursday

So today started out like every other day this week...
woke up late, rushed, then realised it doesn't matter if I'm late, then slow down and take my time. I don't think this is a very good habit, so I decided I'm gonna go to sleep right after I finish this.

Anyway, so today, as I already said, I was late. That made me forget my lunch, so I decided to go back home during period 3 to get it. Brought Jay along with me, since he's never been to my house, that was pretty random lol. After that not much really happened.
After school though I decided to go to box hill library to study again. At first I was gonna go and meet up with Anthony and Ben, but because I took my time, and tried convincing others to come, which failed by the way, I ended up getting dogged and they left to go to the city. So when I get to box hill I took my time, since Johno was at youth justice and would still be another 10 minutes... I thought I'd just go and see who was there and wait for Johno.

Turns out when I get there, Matt Chung was outside having a smoke (lol) so we talked for a bit and then I thought I'd just chill with him for a bit. Wasn't too sure though, since he was with his chicky babes and I didn't know them. Luckily, when we went in, Marina was there talking to one of Matt's chicky babes and so I decided to go study with her in her study room. Johno joined us later on, when he came back form YJ. I was able to get my physics done, so I'm very happy about that. Let's just hope I can do well on the SAC tomorrow! I was also watching Marina do her art folio, and it was so amazing. The amount of effort she puts in blows me away. I could never sit there and put that much detail into something lol.

Overall, a pretty good day, tomorrow I'll be visiting UCC home cell, so that should be even better! (:

Sunday, September 4, 2011

lessons to be learnt.

So as per usual, part of procrastinating at home means that I watch anime. It recently occurred to me that some anime carry philosophical and moral lessons. When I thought about that, I realised that a lot of thought goes into character development and plot in an anime. Well, a good anime at least.

Some lessons that I've picked up from the various anime that I've watched, include;

  •   Naruto: Hate is a very powerful thing and that one should not be consumed by it.
  •   One Piece, Bleach and Fairy Tail: Your friends will always be there for you, and you should never give up.
  •   Gundam: War is never good, but sometimes it is needed to change things for a better tomorrow.
  •   Full Metal Alchemist: Man should not play God.
  •   Clannad: For there to be great love, you will go through hardship and suffering. But the end result is a wonderful thing.
  •   5 centimetres per second: People grow apart unintentionally no matter how strongly they feel about each other. Sometimes it just happens.

Some people may pick up on these things, others might not. It just goes to show how much thought really goes into some animes, and it makes you wonder why western cartoons aren't really like this at all.

quote of the day 4/9

"If it's not broken, don't break it. Just make it look prettier."