Sunday, September 11, 2011

eventful weekend

To start things off, I would like to make clear the fact that I have 3 sacs tomorrow, period 3, 4 and 5. That is, English, Methods and the Chem. Good Game.

Anyway, on Friday night, I would usually have Youth. That night though, we changed things up a little, by having the year 12s visit the UCC Home cells as part of a transition program. I think I might've mentioned that about 2 weeks ago, Tim, Duc and I met up to allocate people to cells. The purpose of that was for this transition program thing. It was a really good night. I was allocated to Lauren and Vee's cell, but they are sort of joined with Jun and Chiu's cell at the moment, so we all met at the same place; Wes' house.

It was nice, very chill, and had good chats with the UCC people. When we had our discussions though, we split into our separate cells, and funnily enough, none of the guys in my cell came tonight except for me. It was quite odd, since I've always been in all guy cells, and all of a sudden I'm in a cell full of girls. Other than that oddity, it was really good. I enjoyed the study, and was able to see how home cell works in UCC.

Onto Saturday. As per usual, I went to Box Hill with my mum for breakfast. When I got home after that, I waited for Anthony to get to my place, since we were going to the city to pick up corsages for the formal that night. So I tell Anthony to get to my place at 12:30, and he texts me later saying he'll be a little late. In the end, he rocked up to my place at 1:30, and we were in a rush to get to the station, since we still had to come back and get our stuff for the formal. We head into the city, to pick up our corsages, and as we were walking to QV, we bump into Jenny! As it turns out, she was meeting up with one of the girls from Khancoban, but was lost trying to find her way in the city. We took her to where she needed to go, and then proceeded to find the flower shop that Johno ordered the corsages from. After we picked them up, we were walking past China town, and Anthony challenged me to have a crazy wing. Mistake number 1. If you listen to me enough, you notice that I don't often back down from reasonable challenges. So I obviously accepted it, and it was the absolute worst decision I could have made. It was horrible, I literally started crying when I ate it, and I didn't have enough water, so I was suffering during the train ride back. Now, I don't know whether it was because the crazy wing place was dirty, or I had a bad reaction, but my stomach was in immense pain. I hurt so much I couldn't even walk. You have to know, that I actually have a pretty strong pain threshold, but this pain was just so much I couldn't handle it. It took us literally almost 45 mins to walk back to my place, since I had to stop so often. When I got to school to have more water, I felt quite a bit better, and as soon as I took some panadol I was ok. But then we were so strapped for time, since we had to meet at Frances' house in Templestowe before we head to the formal. Luckily Johno's mum was able to give us a lift and we made it in time!

Formal itself was quite good. The food was about the same as what we had at ours, but they had a chocolate fountain, an area for the professional photos and live music. So overall, it was better than our own formal lol. Since we didn't know anyone though, it was sort of awkward when we partied on the floor with all these white kids, so that was meh. However, we found a nice corner with couches and we put the together, and had our own party there, which was much more fun. The girls thought we were being weird though haha.

After party was all right too. Other people showed up to Frances' place as well, like Ben, Osman, Vivian Mark etc. It was a pretty random night. Ben and I didn't get beds though, so it took us ages to find a good place to sleep, and it was freezing as well! Other than that it was good. Made some new friends too which is always nice! There might be photos up on facebook, depends on the girls really, so if you want to see them, you'll just have to wait! (: 

A bad thing though, was that I had absolutely no time to study for my sacs...

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