Monday, September 26, 2011

man initiation

At the library right now, taking a quick break from study, so I decided to update my blog.

So last night we had a BQQ at Geoff's place. Overall it was pretty fun, nice and chill too. When Chiu and I got there, Jeremy and Chau were playing Super Smash Bros on Geoff's old Nintendo 64. Chiu wanted to learn how to play, so I chilled outside with Geoff and Calv. As Geoff was getting the BQQ ready, both him and Calv decided to make me do things and call it man initiation. Of course they weren't being serious, but it was actually pretty fun.

The 'man initiation' tasks were mostly just random stuff that was pretty cool to do, or Geoff had no time to do. I felt kinda like a slave, but it was pretty funny.
For example, the first thing I did, was get a meat cleaver, and chop the cooked corn into pieces for everyone. It felt like a pretty normal thing to do, until Chris Wong came and said that I looked like one of those people at the asian markets who chop chicken with the cleaver LOL.
Another thing I did, was make fire with a lamb chop. I bet none of you have done that before ahaha. It was pretty funny. It actually doesn't do anything to the lamb chop, so it's a pretty useless trick, but it looks cool and that's all that matters.
We also put our hand into the fire that Geoff made. That wasn't really man initiation since it was so easy, but we had to do it to prove we were more manly than Chiu LOL.

It was quite fun. There was a lot of food and a nice fire to just sit around. There were some funny moments as well. We of course also had a chance to roast marshmallows. And not only that, but we also converted some of the marshmallows into 'groinmallows', but no-one needs to know what those are. It's too bad I had to leave at 10, since I had my hazards this morning, but it was fun nonetheless. I also learnt how to make lemon and lime bitters!

Next time I have a BQQ with friends, I'll be able to make it much better than most with all the tricks that I learnt from barbeque/safety master, Geoff Wong. You guys WANT to have a barbeque with me now. :D

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