Sunday, September 19, 2010

youth camp 2010.

So for the past few days I've been at youth camp. If I had to sum it up in one word, that word would have to be empowering. So much has happened during these past 3 days, not only for me, but for everyone else that was there as well. In all my time at youth, I have never seen the people of youth so impacted by God's word.

Of course, there are people that I wish had gone. Some of them because I wanted to see them there, and others because I feel that they would have needed it. But I've learnt that God put those people there for a reason, and the for the people that weren't there, it just isn't time yet. After all, God works in mysterious ways.

picture, representing my walk with God
This picture, is the picture that I had chosen that best represents my walk, or my relationship with God. During worship in the morning of the second day, we were all asked to go to the back of the room, and out of the photos on the floor, pick the one that best represents your relationship with God. Your own personal walk. To anyone else, they may not see anything special about this picture. They don't see what I would see. To me, this picture definitely represents where I'm at, because it is a picture, of someone how had just left a tunnel. That may not mean much now, but let me explain. I haven't been Christian, for a long time. I never grew up in a Christian family, I never went to church when I was going up, and so I was always left in the darkness. Even after I had accepted Christ, I was still in that darkness. These things happen over time, they don't just suddenly happen once you accept Christ into your life. So I've been lost in the dark, for who knows how long, and it wasn't actually until Hillsong this year, that I got the feeling that I knew what I was meant to do as a follower of Jesus. That darkness, is the tunnel. In that tunnel, there was no light, and so I could only grope my way around in the dark to find my way. But then Hillsong came, and afterwards, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. It was still far, the path still wasn't clear, but it was there, and I could only slowly work my way towards it. In the time between Hillsong and camp, a lot of things happened. But when I came to camp, after hearing Hannah ask us what our heart condition was, and after Amir asked us what the soil of our heart looks like, I realised that I had almost reached the end of the tunnel. Things were clear for me. I knew what I should be doing as a follower of Jesus, and that was to help other people, get to know Jesus Christ. I was really glad, that things had become clear to me.

For me, the highlight of the camp was on the second night. After Hannah had spoken, there was an altar call. The leaders, prayed for the people that had gone up, as well as for each other. When I was up there, the things around me were just blocked out, and it was just me and God. Then Jess came to me. I thought, that she was going to pray for me. But it wasn't like that, She prayed alongside me. She told me, that she feels that I already know what I was supposed to do. Now, I never told her about any of this, I had only told the people in my tribe. So this came as a really big shock for me. She asked me to pray in tongues, and so we were both praying. And then Duc also came and laid his hand on me. Then something interesting happened. Jess started praying, and she felt God tell her, to dress me up in the armour of God. Not as words, but as an action. I had lifted up the Shield of Faith, and the Sword of Spirit. That was to protect me, as I was heading into a spiritual battle, to help others. After Jess left, Duc then prayed for me. He told me, that "many are called, but few are chosen" and that really hit me. It was for me as an Evangelist. So that I could go and minister to other people. Considering the things that happened between Hillsong and Camp, and the things my friends have done, has really opened my eyes to where I should minister to first. I was equipped with the armour of God, so that I may be protected in this long battle.  When I was talking to Jess and Chau about all this during lunch on the last day, everything just seemed to fall into place. How things became clear, that I should minister to others.

But what REALLY got me, was something that I checked when I got home. A few months back, it was in June I think, we had a leaders meeting, where we just prayed for everyone. I had a record, of what was prayed for me, and I looked it up. Jess, had actually prayed about me being an Evangelist, and that I should minister with joy. I was seriously speechless. Now, I just need to prepare myself mentally and emotionally, for whats to come.

"In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith - of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire - may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honour when Jesus Christ is revealed." - 1 Peter 1:6 - 7

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