Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I've realised today, that I have a lot of really good teachers.There's only one, that is bad, and I don't really care about that subject anyway.

First, would have to be Methods. Anthony and Thomas would know what I'm talking about. Miss Alexandrou is the best teacher I've ever had. She teaches well, and she doesn't care about what I'm doing, most of the time. She never checks homework, and she is just too nice. We usually spend half the lesson talking to her about random things. For example, how often she goes RAVING. Even though she's already told us that she doesn't go raving, we bag her about it anyway. Also, ever since Thomas got her friend as a tutor, Chin has been bagging her about him as well. She also lets us listen to music in class. Of course, she doesn't let some people listen to it when she's teaching, but she doesn't care if I listen to music in class, since my marks are fine.

Next up would be Physics. Ahhh, Mr. Duong. Another one of my really good teachers. I can sum him up in one sentence. He plays World of Warcraft (WOW). Anyway, Duong has this competitive edge against other physics teachers, which is mainly Ms. Raus. He knows he's not as smart as her, but he still wants our class to do better than hers, even though her class has all the smart people in it. He teaches really well as well, and the notes that he gives us is really good. As long as I have copied down the notes, I could sit on the science benches, lay on my back and listen to music, and he wouldn't even care. When I talk to him, he tells me a lot of random things. Like how the school has no hope for my sister's year level. During our Sacs, he is usually playing WOW, and if he isn't, he's sleeping. That's how much he trusts our class. Even when there was a fire emergency, and teachers told him to take our class to the oval, the look on his face was 'Do I have to? >_>'.
One time, when I went to library to get my inquiry set done...
Duong: "Ka Ho." (thats my chinese name if people were wondering, it was on the roll, so that's how my teacher knows...)
Andy: "oh. Hey Mr. Duong. Can you help me with my inquiry set?"
Duong: "Well, I'm actually supposed to go have lunch now..."
Andy: "Nah, don't worry, it's just a quick question."
Duong: "hmmm. I'm a bit busy at the moment though..."
*Looks over at his laptop*
Andy: "Are you seriously playing WOW during yard duty?"
Duong: "Don't just shout it across the library... >_>"

Third would be General Maths Standard, or GMS for short. Even though I haven't been in that class for long, Mr. Mcarthy is pretty cool. The way he talks to you when he's not being serious is the same as when he talks to you normally, that's what makes it funny. Like, when I asked him if he would sign me off for further...
Andy: "hey mr.mac, can you sign me off for further?"
Mr.Mac: *getting his pen out* "Is your average over 60?"
Andy: "Well, I've only done 2 tests..."
Mr.Mac: "And what did you get?"
Andy: "98 and 98..."
Mr.Mac: "Well that's JUST over 60..."
What also makes him pretty cool, is that he makes bets with John. That if John get's 100% on the next test, he would make a video for John, of him marking his test, and then starting to cry like the guy in the double rainbow video. But then again, John also made that same bet with me, that if he gets 100% I'd have to give him my unconditional love...But me and Mr.Mcarthy both know that he wouldn't, that's why we made that bet. Whenever I'm not doing any work and Mr.Mcarthy asks me why I'm just sitting there. I tell him that I don't need to do any work, and then he tells me that's why i dont get 100%... ): But he's still one of my better teachers.

4th up, is Chem. Chem is generally a hard subject, especially if the topic you're doing is boring. Ms. Adams is the best Chem teacher for our year level, so I'm pretty lucky to have her. I remember when I had her last year for Maths, she had me, Anthony and Hansol permanently separated. That sucked. But we still called out to each other across the room. This year, it's not as exciting, but she's still a good teacher nonetheless. Recently, I've been slacking off in Chem, due to lack of interest. Stoichometry and Redox is not my sort of thing. Learning all those calculations and how to write redox equations is so boring. It's almost as though I'm taking another maths subject. Today, I asked Ms.Adams why this chapter is so boring, and then she said that its different for each person. And then she tried to get me interested by asking me all these questions about rusting and corrosion. I thanked her for the effort though LOL.  At least she tried? haha.

Then it would be english. Normally, English would be at the bottom of everything for me, since its my worst subject, but Ms.Thompson just beats the last teacher. Even though she can't really teach, she is still really nice. She's also a drama teacher, so sometimes she would play games with us just because she didn't feel like doing any work. She also has crappy hearing, so we can talk in class, and most of the time it would seem really soft to her. Sometimes she's probably too nice...

And now, Last and definetly least, Philosophy. Now, don't get me wrong, Mr. Durkin is probably one of the smartest teachers in the school when it comes to overall knowledge, but he just can't teach. Even if his life depended on it. He is usually as strict as a normal teacher would be, no gum, no headphones, no talking while hes talking. But you cannot argue back with him. He is too smart. He would either just prove you wrong, make you dig your own hole, or lead you into a trap, so that you would lose the argument. It's entertaining though, but he is probably my worst teacher...

In order one to six: Methods, Physics, GMS, Chem, English, Philosophy. I think my bs luck got me all those good teachers... :D
I REALLY hope that I get good teachers next year though...

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