Sunday, August 1, 2010

The power of the inner man.

Taken from a book that I've been reading:

   Life will throw some 'night seasons' your way and during these times we will be directed by our hearts. David wrote: 
   'My heart also instructs me in the night seasons.' (Psalm 16:7 NKJV)
   Many things breed in the dark including confusion or disorientation. You can lose your way in the darkness of night and have no clue which way to turn. I have seen people completely lose their way during dark or difficult times, and others who have emerged victoriously. Why do some make it through?
   When you don't know which way to turn, your heart is going to guide you; it can only instruct according to what it knows. If your heart is geared towards panic, it will guide you accordingly, whereas, with the right thinking and attitudes, your heart can keep you on course. Just as a plane flies according to the way its computer is set. Sadly, some people lose their way in a night season and never find their way back.
    Do you want to be made whole?
    Perhaps the key lies in the content of your own heart.

I really hope, that what I'm doing is right. I don't want to get lost in this 'night season'. 

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