Sunday, August 29, 2010

After it rains.

Do you know whats funny? The fact that it has stopped raining, and that the sun is out. Now, no matter where I look, I see light. When I look up to the sky after it rains, the clouds are parting, and that ray of light shines down. And now, even if I look down, I can still see that light.

took this at mount station when i was alone lol  
Einstein once said, that "coincidences are God's way of staying anonymous." I can't help but believe this.

The Emperor Penguin. I think that they're pretty awesome. You know, when 2 of those penguins mate, the female lays eggs and the male takes care of them. The female leaves in search of food while the male stays and takes care of the eggs. The male, endures through everything, while he waits for the female. At that same time, the female is searching for food. The 2 penguins are faithful each other, and would go through harsh conditions for each other.  I just find this pretty awesome, don't you think?

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