Monday, December 26, 2011

christmas day

Merry Christmas!

Today was Christmas, which came surprisingly fast. I had the Christmas church service this morning, and after that we picked up some stuff for our bbq and just chilled at Geoff's house. We also went to Spicy Fish in Glen Waverley for lunch haha. Trust the asians to work on Christmas Day.

While we were at Geoffs, him and Calv had the idea to test fit some gold wheels onto my liberty. Now I didn't agree at first, because I mean come on, gold wheels? It's like I'm a wannabe STI. But since Geoff has them on his car, we tried them anyway, and I have to say, it actually didn't look half bad.

Geoff's reasoning was that because it's a Subaru, it has to have gold wheels. I personally don't like gold wheels that much. I actually want my rims to be black, so that when I paint my calipers they'll stand out ahaha.

Anyway, after that eventful afternoon, we went to Dena's place to set up for the bqq, but since it the weather was pretty horrible we had it under her garage door lol. It was still nice and chilled, and the food was good too. Stayed until pretty late, even played a little dota because some of the working class guys brought their laptops to play dota LOL.

That's pretty much all that happened on Christmas day. I have a family dinner/christmas party thing tomorrow though, so that should be good!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Geoff's Workshop

So today I took my car down to my friend's place to get my head-unit installed, since I don't know how the wiring works.

He calls me up around 12 and tells me there is this deal at eb where you get an alpine head-unit and speakers for the same price as my original head-unit. Needless to say I got it, and he tells me his friend was working so he got it the $197 deal for $157. Pretty awesome.

So we installed both the head-unit and speakers, speakers in the front of course, and it took a few hours and quite a bit of work, since the speakers didn't fit nicely.


Monday, December 19, 2011


So I know I haven't updated in a very long time. So here we go. In order to keep this post from becoming an essay, I'll summarise Hong Kong very quickly.

My trip in Hong Kong was good. Bought a lot of stuff and caught up with a few friends as well. Very chilled, very relaxed.

Back in Melbourne, not too much special has really happened. Most exciting thing is probably the fact that I now officially have my own car! It's a '97 Subaru Liberty GX AWD.

Quite happy with it if I do say so myself. Since this is my car now, I can do what I want with it, as long as it's with my own money.
So to start things off I bought a new head-unit. The stock one in the car only plays cassette and radio, which is pretty lame, so I bought a new one and going to ask Geoff to help me install it, since I'm don't know how the wiring works.
Then I plan on taking it somewhere just to get it serviced quickly, to double check there are no major problems, and then lowering it as well, since it's too high for my liking.
After that, I will get some new speakers and maybe even new amps. My new head-unit can run 2 amps, and I already changed the battery to a newer one myself, so it should run ok. Only problem will be money lol.
Rims after that of course, but that is probably still going to be a while away haha.
So much stuff to do, so little money.. D:

There was also the matter of my ATAR score this week. But to be honesty I don't really care that much about it compared to other people. I did ok, most people would think its pretty bad, but for the effort I put in this year I reckon its alright.  Gonna try for Monash Science, if not RMIT nanotech or biotech. Next thing I have to do is get a job and money from the government to pay for my uni fees lol.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

wonderful day

So I don't always have enough time to write a full post while I'm here in Hong Kong, but I managed to find the time today.

Been here for almost a week now, and it has been quite awesome. So chilled and so much to buy!

So far I've bought 3 pairs of shoes, 2 shirts, a jacket, a bag, 4 cd's and a new phone. During one of my purchases I was out at Shatin, and bought 2 shirts, a jacket and a pair of shoes all at one place, and as a result of that they gave me a $500 coupon as well as free overhead headphones! When you buy stuff here they give you so much free stuff and discounts too!

My new phone is the Samsung Galaxy S2, pretty awesome if I do say so myself. Waiting on the spare battery and case to be back in stock before I go get it, both of which they give you for buying the phone. Better than buying the phone in Australia.

Today I hung out with Mr. Gary La. First we went to Mongkok, and looked around. I took Gary to the place where I bought my new bag, and he also bought the same bag, except a different colour of course. After walking around for a bit more, we went down to Shatin, because Gary wanted to go to the store where I bought the new clothes that I wore today.

When we got there, we took our time looking around, and I took Gary to the same store where I bought my new clothes. Funny thing was, the same cute girl that served me last time was working today as well, and that made things easier for us. Last time I was there, I was with my Dad, since he was showing me around.

We talked to that girl that helped us, and when she asked me what my last name was, so they could hold onto our stuff while we kept looking, I momentarily hesitated, since I have not been asked that in so many years. It was then that she realised that I wasn't from Hong Kong. Talked for a bit and she found out that I was from Australia, turns out she couldn't tell because my canto was actually pretty good lol.

When I went back today with Gary, I didn't expect to see that same girl working, but I did, and I was scared it would be awkward, but it wasn't since she waved when she saw me. When Gary was trying stuff on, I had the chance to talk to her for a bit, and I also wanted new jeans so she helped me out with that too haha. After a while we found everything we wanted to buy, but we didn't bring enough cash, so she suggested that she holds onto them and we can come back another day. She actually remembered my last name from the last time I went, but this time she asked for my english name and number, which made things easier. It's too bad I still don't know what her name is lol. She is actually pretty cute, too bad I don't know how to talk to girls, especially cute girls from a different country HAHA. So we're gonna go back on thursday, since she told me that she's not working tomorrow lol, that's going to be nice ahah.

Later on Gary bought Vans, and then we found a music store while looking for a place to sit. Trip complete.

The music store sold SCANDAL music. Back in Australia, I usually ship SCANDAL cd's, but certain ones I didn't because I didn't think it was necessary and it was expensive. I found the album "Temptation Box" and their MV album "Video Action". (Released along with "Baby Action") Both of those I didn't buy because it was expensive and wasn't overly necessary. However I found them both here and were quite cheap. I obviously bought them.

The music store also sold music by YUI. I don't usually buy her music, but her album "Holidays in the Sun" was really good, and I decided to try her new album "How Crazy Your Love" which was really good. Both albums were really good, and her new one also came with the DVD of her HK tour haha. Along with the cd was a guitar pick! I was surprised when I opened her new album, to find a fender pick with the tour engraving on it. Made me love my purchase so much more.

YUI HK tour guitar pick
awesome purchase
 So far that's about it, but there's so much more to buy. Hopefully I can update more often so my posts don't have to be as long as this one ahaha.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Kinda bored at the moment, so I thought I'd update!

At the Melbourne airport right now waiting for the gate to open. Not really much to do since I'm all alone lol. Getting myself ready for a long 9 hour flight, but after that everything will be awesome.

Finished my last exam today, I can't really say with flying colours though lol, since I lost my cheat sheet and rubber 5 mins before the exam lol. But I bossed it anyway, all I can do now is pray!

Words cannot describe the happiness that you feel when you realise that VCE is over. The joy that overcomes you as you walk out of your last exam is phenomenal. There is no other feeling like it. You are overcome with excitement, and also amazed that you just finished 13 years of schooling. The freedom that you have is just awesome. You can do whatever you want, whenever you want, and since I can drive, I can go anywhere I want as well! It is probably one of the happiest moments in my life.

loving life at the moment.

anyway, gotta start heading into the plane now, so I think I'll leave it at that, Let's hope I have a safe flight!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 5

So on my tumblr, I have this separate page where I'm doing this thing called the "30 days of anime Challenge". As I am an irrational person, I tend to challenge everything, so I started doing it, and I just did day 5. Oh and for those who don't know, my tumblr url is - you should check it out, there are some things that are pretty interesting that float around on the internet. :D

For day 5, it was "Day 5 - Anime character you feel you are most like", and I thought it was quite interesting, as I didn't realise there were that many similarities until I actually did it lol. And without further ado...

"Well for me, it would have to be Monkey D. Luffy. Out of all the anime characters that I’ve seen, I think I have the most similarities with him.
1. We are both pretty skinny.
2. We both eat heaps. (Even though he eats an abnormal amount)
3. We both love our meat.
4. Both have our fair share of scars, however his are more extreme.
5. Big smile.
6. Neither of us are scared of most things. (Irrational lack of fear)
7. Don’t really think about the consequences of our actions that often.
8. Both of us make friends pretty easily. (Nakama)
9. Both of us care for our friends quite a bit.
10. We both complain A LOT when we are hungry.
I think that’s enough reasons lol. :D"

Monday, October 31, 2011

Valedictory 2011

Valedictory at 'The Grand' on Cathies Lane, near my old house lol. Overall it was a pretty chilled night, but I think they could have given us more time to mingle. They kept telling us to sit down because they kept having performances lol. The routines were good though, I especially liked Tiff, John and Serene's collab, doing officially missing you and rocketeer together. It was really well done in my opinion. I've heard them practice a few times, and there was one really hard harmony, but they managed to pull it off which was really good!
Compared to everyone else, I didn't really take that many photos. Probably because I wasn't around the others for most of the night. I spent most of my night talking to hung-tzu's sisters surprisingly. I've only met them both once before, and that was when I went to ht's house to study. It was pretty weird though, at first, I just sat in ht's spot to eat her food since she ran off to take photos with people, and since her sisters were there we just started talking. Funny night though. Since I was talking to the chen sisters, I saw pretty much everyone who came over to take photos with them. Probably because of all the hype korean Jason created about Shuhsuan, ht's eldest sister. Even though I say eldest, shes only 2 years older than me, same age as Rina! Anyway, it was hilarious seeing all the guys come over and ask to take photos with them. I for one laughed pretty much everytime, because when I asked Shuhsuan how many of those guys she knew, she said she doesn't know any of them LOL. Apparently she only knew me and John. What was even funnier was when Hansol and Thomas asked Shuhsuan to go maccas after valedictory ahaha. for the first 3 times they asked she didn't really give them an answer, but then the chen sisters told me to come as well so it wouldn't be too awkward.

However, what made my night, was when I was sitting between the chen sisters, and then Wilson came over, from behind Shuhsuan, punched her in the arm and said "Hey, how come you aren't performing?" The look on Shuhsuan's face when she turned was priceless. I pretty much lost it, that was how funny it was! Wilson thought that she was ht, and Shuhsuan had that 'wtf' look on her face. If I wasn't there, it would have been VERY awkward for Wilson. I was there to break that awkwardness and introduce them LOL.

As I said earlier in the post, I didn't really take many photos. All of the ones that I did take are either in ht's camera, or Shuhsuans phone lol. I did manage to find 3 photos in Kon's album though. In two of them my eyes were closed so that was fail. But there was one ok photo.

second from the left is ht's eldest sister, the one that all the guys wanted a photo with :P

We also received our own Yr12 mugs! They look quite nice, and they have the names of all the students on them.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

children of the unicorn - 2011

The day had finally come. The final day of school. Of course, we still have exams and stuff, but that doesn't really count anyway. Pictures of our last two days of school are all over the internet, I'm sure everybody has seen them by now!

Although it was the last day, it honestly didn't feel like it. I mean, Valedictory on Friday is probably going to be the last time our year level will be all together in the same place. Even so, I really wasn't that sad about it. Probably because I am sure that I will see everyone again anyway, so 'goodbye' isn't very necessary. I know I'm still going to see all my friends, and I really don't think that much is going to change. Just that we won't see each other 5 days of the week. I'm not saying I'll be able to keep in contact with everyone, but it's not as though I'll never see them again. I guess, if you really value them as a friend, you would go out of your way to keep that relationship anyway, you won't just stop hanging out and forget about each other just because high school has ended.

Sitting here, reflecting on the past 6 years, it makes me realise how long I've actually known some people. From year 7 through to year 12. I really think those are the people that will be easy to keep in touch with. The hard part is to keep in touch with people you don't see often.

Next year is going to be like "New game+".

"We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."good luck class of 2011.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Decided to deactivate my facebook account for my exams. I actually didn’t plan to at first, but then I thought, ‘why not?’ Exams are soon and I really should knuckle down and study, but I seem to have very little motivation. I wonder why that is. hm. Once exams are over, I’m going to be so very very happy.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

good game, better luck next time

 Gonna start with this; since my blogspot posts are quite long and tedious to read, here is my tumblr for those who don't want to read such long essays, and would rather an insight into my life through quick an small posts.  enjoy!


It's pretty much over. As this year comes to a close, so many things will be over for me.

With almost every aspect of my life, I'm going to try and start fresh as soon as I get back from Hong Kong. With some things I know I don't stand a chance, and with others I'm trying my best right now. It's not easy though. So many things to draw my motivation away from me. The only thing I can do is use games as a reward for myself to do work. Some things just weren't meant to be right?

There's no worse feeling than the ones that you get on the inside. Pain wise it's not as bad as the external pain I had when I was in hospital. However, no matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to get rid of it. It is constantly bothering you, drawing your attention to it, and you feel like crap because of it. Makes you wonder why. There are aspects of my life that just never seem to go the way I would like it to go. Everything seems to be fine in the beginning, but then every time, they fall apart, and then I'm left with all these broken pieces that don't fit together. I try to put it back together, in fact I try for a very long time to put those pieces back together, but there is always something missing. Every time it happens it leaves a scar. In total that makes 2 scars.
It's too bad I subject myself to this sort of torture. Maybe now I'll learn to put up a wall. The problem is, I can't seem to find any fault. I'm not being arrogant or anything, but I just can't seem to see what there is to dislike about me. Damn my stubbornness.

A private post from a while back.

Things are going worse than I thought. With the start of a bad week, I thought things had started to get better when the week started to draw to a close. But recently, a certain piece of information was made clear to me.                                                                                                                            I don't know what I can do. I don't know what I should do. To everyone else, I may seem strong, as though I don't really care. But in actual fact, I'm slowly dying inside. It hurts to know that I'm running out of time. I guess all I can do is pray and hope things will get better.

I know its got nothing to do with me, I haven't done anything wrong. But I obviously haven't done anything right either.

"The most important things are the hardest to say, because words diminish them."
I seem so dramatic don't I? That's probably because pain changes things. It can turn someone you thought you once knew, into a completely different person. 
That's why I'm going to start anew. I just have to endure a few more weeks.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

end of the holidays

Kind of depressing actually. To think that it's the end of the holidays already. I actually haven't done anything really substantial in terms of study. I probably could have studied more, but I don't regret not studying, since I'm gonna have to work really hard for the next month or so anyway. Kind of like the calm before the storm sort of thing yeah?

Caught up with a lot of my friends these holidays. Including some that I only ever see once per holidays anyway. It was nice. I probably spent the most time with my uni friends though. Usually everyday I'm out I would be with a different group of friends, but this time around, every Friday night and Sunday I would be out with my uni friends, so that was pretty fun. They also drive me around everywhere, so I never have to spend money on transport, so convenient! I'll be getting my license soon, hopefully. I'm sure it'll be fine though, it can't be that hard? 

The reason why these holidays have passed so fast, is probably because so much stuff has happened. Some good, some bad. More good than bad though. There was one day that was kind of crap, but talking to some friends and having so much to do the few days after that really took my mind off things. 

Whenever I have time to kill, I would be watching SCANDAL videos too! It's just a really good way to pass time and take my mind off study and other things. Now that I think about it, ever since I started listening to SCANDAL, they've actually been a pretty big part of my life, even though they are just a band. I devote quite a bit of money and time to them, buying and listening to their music, as well as learning how to play their songs on guitar. When I'm just talking to a good friend, I would bring them up and try and spread the SCANDAL love as far and wide as I can. When I was in hospital, every time they did a procedure, I would start playing SCANDAL songs in my head to take my mind off all the tubes sticking out of my chest and pushing and pulling that I would feel. Their music would also take my mind off the pain a little bit as well. When I'm not very happy, watching their videos would make me smile and laugh, such as when I watch some of their interviews and the どぼんどぼんど の theme pv.

Hopefully the next few weeks go by fast. I hope I do well as well. I know God has a plan for me, but it's up to me to help fulfill that plan! Can't wait until the 15th of November!

Overall, holidays were good. If some things happened differently it may have been even better, but still it was good nonetheless! The next holidays I'm on are going to be awesome!

"at the moment"  - those were your words.

Friday, October 7, 2011


Current games of interest are: 


Procrastination is such bliss, probably not worth it in the long run, but meh. Both games are fun. Never even finished X-2 properly lol. It's nice to play old games again...